ukf / ukf-testbed

UK federation tooling testbed
Apache License 2.0
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This repository contains a framework used to perform tests on the UK federation's tooling, specifically those parts which validate SAML metadata before publication.

The testbed operates as a collection of Docker containers established by docker compose. A driver service is initially idle and is used to run test operations, or can be used interactively. It is accompanied by a fleet of validator containers each with a different configuration; each of these is a variation of the md-validator microservice.

The containers operate within a private network but are otherwise isolated from each other and from the host. The exception is the driver service, which mounts the host tests directory as /application/tests to allow development of individual tests without needing to rebuild the containers.

Build the container images using ./build-images.

Establish the running containers using ./up; remove them using ./down.

Executing ./drive will open a bash shell within the driver service in which test operations can be performed.

If you want a less interactive experience, you can just invoke commands within the driver container directly, for example:

docker compose exec driver rake validate_all

Output from the command will appear in your terminal.


The production UK federation tooling performs checks on metadata.

The purpose of this testbed is to perform tests on those checks.

Each test is composed of an XML test file and an optional sidecar options file controlling the execution of the test.

A test is executed by sending the test data from the test file to one or more endpoints providing a metadata validation web service.

Each addressed web service runs a requested validator on the test data. This is a named sequence of MDA stages; the result is a possibly empty set of status metadata which is returned to the testbed driver.

A test succeeds if the returned status metadata matches the test's expected results. The test fails if any differences are detected.


The docker compose deployment currently includes four containers implementing a fleet of metadata validation web services which are referenced inside the testbed as the following named endpoints:

Development mode

The validator fleet has one distinguished member representing the current production deployment, currently v09x. This validator's port 8080 is bound to localhost:8080 as well as being available within the docker compose internal network.

The Testbed.all_endpoints function examines the RAILS_ENV environmental variable to determine which validators are available:

This arrangement allows the test framework itself to be developed without having to rebuild the driver image for each change.

Configuring tests

Individual unit tests are created by adding files to suitable subdirectories of the tests directory, with specific subdirectories representing different types of test, with the organisation of directories below that being determined by the test type.

For example, XML tests (currently the only type supported by the testbed) are placed in inside tests/xml/ in subdirectories representing the rules being tested.

Tests can be executed against the fleet of validators by running the command rake validate_all inside the driver service.

XML test configuration

The testbed treats every file with an .xml extension under the tests/xml/ directory as a separate XML test. These test files will normally contain a single EntityDescriptor element representing a SAML entity.

Running rake validate_all from the driver service will process all test files using the xml_tests.rb module against the default validator fleet.

Test options

Each test is configured through named options. Each option has a defined default which is used when the option is not otherwise specified.

The available options, and their defaults, are:

To specify options for a test, create a sidecar YAML file alongside the test file. For example, the options file for the test file tests/xml/example.xml would be tests/xml/example.yaml. Note that the alternative .yml extension is not currently supported.

If the options file does not exist, all options will take their default values.

An example options file is shown below:

  - status: error
    component_id: component_identifier
    message: "expected error message"
  - validator_1
  - validator_2

If a validator produces an error, info, or warning result for a given test that is not described by that test's expected configuration option, the test will fail. The actual result and expected result are equal if the String value of their status, component_id, and message match exactly.

Option overrides

Most tests have the same expected results when performed in all of the environments represented by the configured endpoints. For situations where this is not the case, the testbed supports option overrides.

To override an option in some specific situation, include an override option in the tests's options file. This should be an array of objects each describing a situation in which an override is required to the options defined at the top level of the file.

Each override object contains keys describing the situation in which the override should occur, and keys representing the options to be overridden. The testbed processes these overrides in order when looking for the value for an option: the first matching override which overrides the option will be taken; if no overrides match or the option is not found, the option value will be taken from the top level or from the defaults if that is not specified.

The testbed currently supports matching overrides on the basis of endpoint name only, using the endpoint key. This may either be a string representing a single endpoint name, or an array of such names.

The following example shows use of the override feature:

  - status: error
    component_id: component_identifier
    message: "expected error message"
  - endpoint: v09
    skip: true
  - endpoint: [v09x, v10x]
    expected: []

This example means:

Copyright and License

The contents of this repository are Copyright (C) the named contributors or their employers, as appropriate.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.