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Discuss the coffee & coding page #1

Open nacnudus opened 5 years ago

nacnudus commented 5 years ago

For discussing the Coffee & Coding page. Please comment here to

Treat it as your wiki.

I'm seeking volunteers to write about Coffee & Coding for the Reproducible Analytical Pipelines website.

Three levels of contribution:

1. Easy: Add C&C clubs you know of to this issue. 2. Easy for you, hard for me: Write a paragraph or so that explains what C&C is and encourages people to participate. 3. Learning opportunity to try markdown and GitHub: make a pull request with a markdown version of the page.


MeganStodel commented 5 years ago

MoJ has a C&C club. Repo is here but not currently public (we're working on it).

matt-dray commented 5 years ago
nacnudus commented 5 years ago

Thanks @MeganStodel. Is there a contact address for people who think they should have access but don't?

Once it's public it would be good to write an article explaining how you made it open. Bound to help others creating this in their own depts.

MeganStodel commented 5 years ago

@nacnudus, our email address for any C&C stuff is

At the moment access is a fairly blunt tool. If you are a member of the moj-analytical-services organisation you can access it, otherwise you can't. The C&C team don't have the ability to add anyone to the organisation.

Our vague idea is to have an open version that only includes sessions without anything that might be considered sensitive or confidential - realistically that is almost all of them at the moment, bar a couple of case studies.

tamsinforbes commented 5 years ago


Hi our public repo is here

We live stream (and record) as much as poss - we have ongoing issues with the live stream kit/wifi/acts of randomness. The streams/recordings aren't currently public but would like to be so - may need a little editing/vetting not sure how to do that, or have time.

Our emphasis is very much to promote an environment in which anyone can feel comfortable asking any coding related question of anyone else. This follows from the premise that none of us knew the answer once upon a time, and maybe we still don’t, but maybe we’ll learn.

Here’s our generalised C&C manifesto/blurb/format:

The aim of the Coffee & Coding meetups is to nurture, enable and encourage a vibrant, supportive and inclusive coding community at org_name. Coffee & Coding provides a regular opportunity for people within org_name who are interested in coding to share skills and knowledge, provide advice and guidance to each other and generally network and get to know each other. The format is generally 40 minutes for a presentation and questions to the presenter/s followed by 20 minutes Code Surgery. The presentations usually take the form of a demonstration of a tool or technique and/or a show and tell of work done within the department using these methods. From time to time we will invite external speakers. The Code Surgery provides the opportunity for people to pose any coding related queries/ruminations/ideas to the gathered coding community.

Luke-Shaw commented 5 years ago

ONS one is here:

I was previously at DfT, everything @tamsinforbes said is perfect and the ONS one strives to be the same. We've tried hard to get presenters to make it their own, and accessible to people with an interest in getting started in coding but not necessarily any experience.

nacnudus commented 5 years ago

Thanks everyone, there's now a page with your links and @tamsinforbes's blurb. I'll rename this issue and keep it open for any further discussion about the page.

nacnudus commented 5 years ago

Is there an appetite for a central coffee & coding repo / website for non-sensitive material that depts otherwise can't make open (e.g. their repo also holds sensitive material)?

MeganStodel commented 5 years ago

Is there an appetite for a central coffee & coding repo / website for non-sensitive material that depts otherwise can't make open (e.g. their repo also holds sensitive material)?

I think that could be useful from our (MoJ) perspective. Particularly if it would be helpful for others as well. Will check with the C&C team when we next meet about how we want to approach making some of our stuff public.

DataS-DH commented 5 years ago

DHSC C&C github is here (it probably shouldn't be public right now as it needs so much work):

We don't have a designated email, all organised via me using eventbrite:

Just realised I am posting from our C&C account, by me I mean Katie Davidson

LouisTsiattalou commented 5 years ago

Some info about BEIS' coffee and coding here: The BEIS Coffee and Coding seminars are weekly at 10-11am on Wednesdays, and open to all. Contact: Resources: W:/TRAINSHARE on CBAS (open only to CBAS users in BEIS and partner orgs).

nacnudus commented 5 years ago

@LouisTsiattalou thanks! Those details will be online in a couple of minutes.

cjmwills commented 5 years ago

MoD coffee and coding sessions tend to be once a month on Friday mornings. We don't have a neat coffee and code email address yet nor a git repo for it. We use GitLab hosted internally on our servers so wouldn't be visible to OGD's anyway. I'm happy to be POC for MoD if anyone wants to know more though!

nacnudus commented 5 years ago

@cjmwills thanks! Those details are on the site now. The contact address is the main thing -- people at the MoD might find you via this route, and other organisers can exchange guest speakers with you.