This is experimental branch of Cuneiform that actively refactored. Also it has simple GUI for testing and development purposes written on Qt4.
Extract the source and go to the root folder (the one this file is in). Then type the following commands:
mkdir ../builddir
cd ../builddir
cmake ..
make install
By default Cuneiform installs to /usr/local. You can specify a different prefix by giving a command line switch "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/what/ever/you/want" to CMake.
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - build debug version of Cuneiform -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - build release version of Cuneiform -DTESTS=Yes - build tests -DCF_NO_QT=Yes - disable QtImageLoader build -DCF_NO_IMAGE_MAGICK=Yes - disable MagickLoader build -DCF_NO_GRAPHICS_MAGICK=Yes - disable Graphics magick loaders build -DCF_NO_FREEIMAGE=Yes - disable FreeImageLoader build -DCF_NO_GUI=Yes - disable Qt GUI build -DWITH_SWIG=Yes - enable language bindings -DWITH_PYTHON=Yes - enable Python binding -DWITH_PERL=Yes - enable Perl binding -DWITH_PHP=Yes - enable PHP binding -DWITH_JAVA=Yes - enable Java binding
This branch on GitHub:
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