ulsdevteam / islandora_solution_pack_playlist

An Islandora module to handle playlists of Audio/Video/Oral Histories
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Islandora Playlist Solution Pack Build Status


This solution pack is to render a single page to display a set of related multimedia files in a playlist format. This module depends on the relationships between parent object and child objects using the Islandora Compound Object Solution Pack. Even though multiple depths of compound object relationships are possible, "grand-children" relationships are not supported.

The parent object can be any Islandora object whatsoever, but for simplicity a Large Image object can be used as the parent. A Large Image object would have derivatives for the thumbnail and metadata that would render above the playlist; a template variable $compound_object_content is populated with drupal_render($variables['page']['content']); during the playlist_preprocess_page routine. The template file templates/islandora-playlist.tpl.php and templates/islandora-playlist-entry.tpl.php can both be themed, but caution should be used when overriding either.

NOTE: each playlist should contain children that are all of the same multimedia type because there is no mechanism to switch between multimedia players between tracks. NOTE: This module when using the video-js library will conflict with Islandora JW Player. In order to use this module with video-js, disable the "Islandora JW Player" module.


Install as usual, see this for further information.

The initial development of this module uses the amplitudejs audio library for playback. This library must be present within sites/all/libraries/amplitudejs or there will be javascript errors when trying to render any playlist object page. This library is currently being replaced to use whichever multimedia player is configured as the viewer for the Audio/Video/Oral Histories objects.


This is largly dependant on the configuration for the Compound Object (admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/compound_object).


This module does not use either of the blocks that the compound object creates. Those blocks create static html links that redirect to the actual object instead of playing it.


Having problems or solved a problem? Check out the Islandora google groups for a solution.


Current maintainers:


If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out CONTRIBUTING.md. In addition, we have helpful Documentation for Developers info, as well as our Developers section on the Islandora.ca site.
