ultronozm / auctex-cont-latexmk.el

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+title: auctex-cont-latexmk.el: run latexmk continuously, report errors via flymake

+author: Paul Nelson

The command =auctex-cont-latexmk-toggle= behaves the way that I prefer -- it enables both =auctex-cont-latexmk-mode= and =flymake-mode=, restricting the backends for the latter to those coming from the former. If you want to use continuous compilation but no flymake, then you might instead wish to bind a key to =auctex-cont-latexmk-mode= or simply do =M-x auctex-cont-latexmk-mode=. If you already use flymake for something else in tex buffers, then you might wish to write your own "wrapper" for =auctex-cont-latexmk-mode= akin to =auctex-cont-latexmk-toggle=.

The way the Flymake backend works, it will update only when the latexmk process reaches a "watching for changes" state and the buffer is unmodified. The workflow is thus to save the file, wait a few seconds for the compilation to complete, and then to use Flymake to navigate the errors. I configure Flymake to use =M-n= and =M-p= for navigation, and also use =(setq flymake-show-diagnostics-at-end-of-line t)= (available in Flymake 1.3.6, part of Emacs 30+), which displays the error/warning messages in the buffer itself rather than just in the minibuffer:

+begin_src elisp

(use-package flymake :custom (flymake-show-diagnostics-at-end-of-line t) :bind (:map flymake-mode-map ("M-n" . flymake-goto-next-error) ("M-p" . flymake-goto-prev-error)))


I also bind =flymake-show-diagnostics-buffer=, which gives an overview of all errors. You can find my current setup in [[https://github.com/ultronozm/emacsd/blob/main/init.el][my config]].

That's all. I prefer this workflow to the alternative in which one compiles the document manually via =TeX-command-master= (=C-c C-c=) and navigates the warning/error messages using =next-error= (=M-n=) and =previous-error= (=M-p=). It also gives a handy way to keep the .aux files up-to-date; I take advantage of this feature in the packages [[https://github.com/ultronozm/czm-preview.el][czm-preview.el]] and [[https://github.com/ultronozm/czm-tex-fold.el][czm-tex-fold.el]] to annotate the TeX buffer with label numbers.