umanniyaz / TR-OCR-ONNX-Optimization

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For Tr-OCR model conversion to ONNX will give two file encoder_onnx and decoder_onnx,use low value for tolerance --atol 1e-3:

python -m transformers.onnx --model=microsoft/trocr-base-printed --feature=vision2seq-lm models_trocr_base --atol 1e-3

FOR CPU as Execution provider,we have sequential vs parallel execution

FOR SEQUENTIAL: sess_options.execution_mode = onnxrt.ExecutionMode.ORT_SEQUENTIAL

Thread Count: sess_options.intra_op_num_threads = 2 (controls the number of threads to use to run the model )

FOR PARALLEL EXECUTION: sess_options.execution_mode = onnxrt.ExecutionMode.ORT_PARALLEL sess_options.inter_op_num_threads = 2 (to control the number of threads used to parallelize the execution of the graph (across nodes)

FOR GPU (CUDA) as Execution provider use iobinding:

Example: io_binding = session.io_binding() io_binding.bind_ortvalue_input('X', x_ortvalue) io_binding.bind_ortvalue_output('Y', y_ortvalue) session.run_with_iobinding(io_binding)

Try adjusting inter_op_threads and intra_op_threads for Sequential and Parallel Execution(CPU) and iobinding on CUDA (GPU), I believe you will see improvement in Inference with actual model accuracy preserved
