umee-network / umee

A Golang implementation of the Umee network, a decentralized universal capital facility in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Apache License 2.0
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Update goreleaser to release statically linked binary #2559

Open kaustubhkapatral opened 5 months ago

kaustubhkapatral commented 5 months ago


Add support in goreleaser to release statically linked binary when a new tag is pushed.

Problem Definition

As umee has cosmwasm integration in it, if a binary is built using the regular build instructions of make build or make install on one host, it can't be used to run on a different host before downloading the libwasm file on the new host. The same issue is present for the binary which gets released when a new tag is released. A separate set of instructions is always provided to the validators to make sure they update their libwasm file if they use pre-built binary. Ex:- the libwasmvm update section present under Validators header present here:-


Update goreleaser to build and release statically linked binary that does not require any libwasmvm prerequisite setup.

For Admin Use