umee-network / umee

A Golang implementation of the Umee network, a decentralized universal capital facility in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Apache License 2.0
224 stars 170 forks source link
cosmos cosmos-sdk


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GoDoc Go Report Card Version License: Apache-2.0 GitHub Super-Linter

A Golang implementation of the Umee network, a decentralized universal capital facility in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Umee is a Universal Capital Facility that can collateralize assets on one blockchain towards borrowing assets on another blockchain. The platform specializes in allowing staked assets from PoS blockchains to be used as collateral for borrowing across blockchains. The platform uses a combination of algorithmically determined interest rates based on market driven conditions. As a cross chain DeFi protocol, Umee will allow a multitude of decentralized debt products.

Table of Contents


See Release procedure for more information about the release model.

Release Compatibility Matrix

Umee Version Mainnet Cosmos SDK IBC Peggo Price Feeder Gravity Bridge libwasmvm
v0.8.x v0.45.x v2.0.x v0.2.x v0.1.x
v1.x.x v0.45.x v2.0.x v0.2.x N/A umee/v1 module/v1.4.x-umee
v2.x.x v0.45.x v2.3.x v0.2.x v0.2.x umee/v2 module/v1.4.x
v3.0-1.x v0.46.x v5.0.x v1.3.x+ v1.0.x umee/v3 module/v1.5.x-umee
v3.1.0-cw1 v0.46.x v5.0.x v1.3.x+ v2.0.x umee/v3 module/v1.5.x-umee
v3.2.x v0.46.6+ v5.1.x v1.3.x+ v2.0.x umee/v3 v1.5.3-umee-3 v1.1.1
v3.3.x v0.46.6+ v5.1.x v1.3.x+ v2.0.2 umee/v3 v1.5.3-umee-3 v1.1.1
v4.0.x v0.46.6+ v5.1.x v1.3.x+ v2.0.3 umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-4 v1.1.1
v4.1.x v0.46.7+ v5.2.x v1.3.x+ v2.1.0 umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-4 v1.1.1
v4.2.x v0.46.10+ v5.2.x v1.3.x+ umee/v2.1.1 umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-4 v1.1.1
v4.3.x v0.46.11+ v6.1.x v1.3.x+ umee/v2.1.1 umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-6 v1.2.1
v4.4.x v0.46.11+ v6.1.x v1.3.x+ umee/v2.1.4+ umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-6 v1.2.3
v5.0.x v0.46.13+ v6.2.x v1.3.x+ umee/v2.1.4+ umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-8 v1.2.4
v5.1.x v0.46.13+ v6.2.x --- umee/v2.1.6+ umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-10 v1.2.4
v5.2.x v0.46.13+ v6.2.x --- umee/v2.1.6+ umee/v4 v1.5.3-umee-10 v1.2.4
v6.0.x v0.46.14+ v6.2.x --- umee/v2.1.6-1+ --- v1.3.0
v6.1.x v0.46.15+ v6.2.x --- umee/v2.1.7+ --- v1.3.0
v6.2.x v0.47.6+ v7.2.x --- umee/v2.3.0 --- v1.5.0
v6.3.x v0.47.7+ v7.3.1 --- umee/v2.3.0+ --- v1.5.0
v6.4.x x v0.47.10+ v7.3.2 --- umee/v2.4.1+ --- v1.5.2
v6.5.x x v0.47.11+ v7.6.0 --- umee/v2.4.3+ --- v1.5.2
v6.6.x x v0.47.11+ v7.6.0 --- umee/v2.4.3+ --- v1.5.2
v6.7.x x v0.47.14+ v7.8.0 --- umee/v2.4.4+ --- v1.5.5

Price Feeder

Since Price Feeder v2.4.4 the recommended oracle price feeder has been moved to this repository with the version prefix umee/.


When you build the binary from source on the server machine you probably don't need any change. Building from source automatically link the libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so created as a part of the build process.

However when you download a binary from GitHub, or from another source, make sure you have the required version of libwasmvm.<cpu_arch>.so (should be in your lib directory, e.g.: /usr/local/lib/). You can get it:

You don't need to do anything if you are using our Docker image.

Active Networks



To install the umeed binary:

$ make build

Docker build

docker build -t umee-network/umeed -f contrib/images/umeed.dockerfile .

# start bash
docker run -it --name umeed umee-network/umeed bash

# or start the node if you already have a node directory setup
docker run -it --name umeed umee-network/umeed umeed start

Recommended Database Backend

We recommend to use RocksDB. It requires to install rocksdb system libraries. We plan to migrate newer version of badgerdb, which brings lot of improvements and simplifies the setup.

To build with rocksdb enabled:


Once you generate config files, you need to update:

# app.toml / base configuration options
app-db-backend = "rocksdb"

# config.toml / base configuration options
db_backend = "rocksdb"


Generate the latest swagger:

 $ make proto-swagger-gen
 $ make proto-update-swagger-docs

Build the new binary or install the new binary with the latest swagger docs:

$ make build
# or
$ make install

Make sure to execute these commands whenever you want to update the swagger documentation.


Docs Note: cosmovisor only works for upgrades in the umeed, for off-chain processes updates like peggo or price-feeder, manual steps are required.

go install
mkdir -p ~/.umee/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mkdir -p ~/.umee/cosmovisor/upgrades

cp <path-to-umeed-binary> ~/.umee/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
export DAEMON_NAME=umeed
$ wget$(uname -m).so -O /lib/libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so


Please follow Validator Instructions for setting up a validator node.


A guide to running liquidations on Umee can be found here