umich-dbgroup / duoquest

Dual-specification query synthesis with natural language and table sketch queries
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link


Dual-specification query synthesis with natural language and table sketch queries.



TODO: Simplify this process with Docker compose - cannot do this until issue with GPUS is resolved.

  1. Set the variable correctly for the most recent version.
    export DQ_VERSION=0.1
  2. Start the Docker network (dq-net).
    docker network create dq-net
  3. Run the data container (dq-data).
    docker run --rm -dit --name dq-data -v dq-vol:/home/data chrisjbaik/duoquest-data:$DQ_VERSION
  4. Run the Enumerator (dq-enum) using one of the following instructions.
    docker run --rm --gpus all -dit --name dq-enum --network dq-net -v dq-vol:/workspace/data chrisjbaik/duoquest-enum:$DQ_VERSION

Add --toy for fast-starting debugging mode with decreased performance

docker run --rm --gpus all -dit --name dq-enum --network dq-net -v dq-vol:/workspace/data chrisjbaik/duoquest-enum:$DQ_VERSION --toy

5. Run the task database container (`dq-task-db`).

docker run --rm -dit --name dq-task-db --network dq-net chrisjbaik/duoquest-task-db:$DQ_VERSION

6. Run the autocomplete container (`dq-autocomplete`).

docker run --rm -dit --name dq-autocomplete --network dq-net redis

7. Run the web interface container (`dq-web`). Note the `-p` option, where the first port number indicates which port the web interface will run on the host machine. Also note the `WORKERS_PER_CORE` option, which determines how many workers will run for the web server (we set it to `0.1` because we have a 32-core server).

docker run --rm -dit -p 5000:80 -e WORKERS_PER_CORE="0.1" --name dq-web --network dq-net -v dq-vol:/home/data chrisjbaik/duoquest-web:$DQ_VERSION

8. Run the main container (`dq-main`). The `--timeout` flag indicates how many seconds each task will run before giving up.

docker run --rm -dit --name dq-main --network dq-net -v dq-vol:/home/data chrisjbaik/duoquest-main:$DQ_VERSION --timeout=60

## Simulation Experiments

### Run

Follow the instructions in steps 1-7 under **Quickstart** above. Instead of starting the `dq-main` container with the default entrypoint, we run simulation experiments using the following command:

docker run --rm -dit --name dq-main --network dq-net -v dq-vol:/home/data --entrypoint="python" chrisjbaik/duoquest-main spider dev default

The last 3 arguments indicate the dataset, subset of dataset, and type of evaluation (`default`, `partial`, `minimal`, `nlq_only`, `tsq_only`, `chain`), respectively.

If `dq-main` is already running, shut down and remove that container using `docker stop` and `docker rm` if needed to ensure this container can run.

If you want to view the experiment progress in real-time, use the following:

docker logs -f dq-main

The results will automatically be saved in a `results` folder within the shared volume `dq-vol`.

### Result Summary/Analysis

The following container can be executed to generate a viewable result summary/analysis after running a simulation experiment:

docker run --rm -it --name dq-eval --network dq-net -v dq-vol:/home/data --entrypoint="python" chrisjbaik/duoquest-main spider dev default

Note that all arguments (including any additional arguments unmentioned above, like `--timeout`) must **exactly match** the arguments executed when running the `dq-main` container for running the experiment!

## Task Database Schema

The task database has the following schema:


| Column Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ---- | ----------- |
| tid | text | task id |
| db | text | database name |
| nlq | text | natural language query |
| nlq_with_literals | text | raw NLQ including tag markup |
| tsq_proto | blob | table sketch query protobuf |
| literals_proto | blob | literals protobuf |
| status | text | `waiting`, `running`, `done`, or `error` |
| time | integer | timestamp for task submission time |
| error_msg | text | error message, if any |


| Column Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ---- | ----------- |
| name | text | database name |
| path | text | database path in file system |
| schema_proto | blob | schema protobuf |


| Column Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ---- | ----------- |
| rid | integer | primary key/unique id for result |
| tid | text | foreign key to task id |
| query | text | candidate SQL query |

## Build Process for Docker Images (Development Only)

1. Save the version number as a variable.

export DQ_VERSION=

2. Download [Spider dataset]( and [mas_smallest.sqlite]( into `data/` folder.

3. Build data container.

docker build -t chrisjbaik/duoquest-data:$DQ_VERSION data/

4. Load/build Enumerator image.

cd enum/syntaxSQL git submodule init # only if submodule not initialized yet git submodule update # only if submodule not initialized yet docker build -t chrisjbaik/duoquest-enum:$DQ_VERSION . cd ../../

5. Build task database image.

docker build -t chrisjbaik/duoquest-task-db:$DQ_VERSION -f task_db/Dockerfile .

6. Build web interface image.

docker build -t chrisjbaik/duoquest-web:$DQ_VERSION -f web/Dockerfile .

7. Build main image.

docker build -t chrisjbaik/duoquest-main:$DQ_VERSION .