umputun / baseimage

minimalistic docker base image to build and deploy apps
MIT License
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baseimage Actions

minimal docker base image to build and deploy services and applications.

Three images provided:

  1. go build image - umputun/baseimage:buildgo-latest. For build stage, includes go compiler and linters. Alpine based.
  2. base application image umputun/baseimage:app-latest
  3. scratch-based application image umputun/baseimage:scratch-latest

Go Build Image

Image umputun/baseimage:buildgo-latest and intends to be used in multi-stage Dockefile to build go applications and services.

Base Application Image

Image umputun/baseimage:app-latest and designed as a lightweight, ready-to-use base for various services. It adds a few things to the regular alpine image.

Run-time Customization

The container can be customized in runtime by setting environment from docker's command line or as a part of docker-compose.yml

Working with Docker from inside container

The app user is a member of the docker group. That allows it to interact with the Docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock) when it is explicitly mounted into the container. This is particularly useful for advanced use cases that require such functionality, such as monitoring other containers or accessing Docker APIs.

Under standard usage, the Docker socket is not mounted into the container. In such cases, the docker group membership does not grant the app user any elevated privileges. The container remains secure and operates with an unprivileged user.

Security Implications

Mounting the Docker socket into a container can pose a security risk, as it effectively grants the container access to the Docker host and its containers. This is not specific to this image but is a general consideration when working with Docker.

Recommendation: Only mount the Docker socket if it is necessary for your use case and you understand the associated risks.

Example of multi-stage Dockerfile with baseimage:buildgo and baseimage:app

FROM umputun/baseimage:buildgo as build

WORKDIR /build
ADD . /build

RUN go test ./...
RUN golangci-lint run --out-format=tab --tests=false ./...

    revision=$(/script/ && \
    echo "revision=${revision}" && \
    go build -o app -ldflags "-X main.revision=$revision -s -w" .

FROM umputun/baseimage:app

COPY --from=build /build/app /srv/app


CMD ["/srv/app", "param1", "param2"]

It will make a container running "/srv/app" (with passed params) under 'app' user.

To customize both TIME_ZONE and UID - docker run -e TIME_ZONE=America/New_York -e APP_UID=2000 <image>

Base Scratch Image

Image umputun/baseimage:scratch-latest (or adds a few extras to the scratch (empty) image:

Container sets user to app and working directory to /srv, no entrypoint set. In order to change time zone TZ env can be used.

The overall size of this image is about 512KB only, with 4MB download size due to parent layers.

Multi-stage Dockerfile Example with baseimage:scratch

# Build Stage
FROM umputun/baseimage:buildgo as build

WORKDIR /build
ADD . /build

RUN go test ./...
RUN golangci-lint run --out-format=tab --tests=false ./...

    revision=$(/script/ && \
    echo "revision=${revision}" && \
    go build -mod=vendor -o app -ldflags "-X main.revision=$revision -s -w" .

# Scratch-based Application Image
FROM umputun/baseimage:scratch-latest

COPY --from=build /build/app /srv/app

CMD ["/srv/app", "param1", "param2"] Script

The script is a simple script to get a shell inside containers that don't have one (like scratch-based containers). It works by temporarily copying BusyBox into the container and cleaning it up after you're done.

./ <container_name>

This lets you inspect and debug the container's environment easily, without leaving any leftovers.