This is a prototype of UMass Transit's incident tracking model, designed for use by the Valley Area Transit Company and Springfield Area Transit Company.
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
rails db:create:all
rails db:schema:load
rails db:seed
Alternatively you can import your data from Hatus:
rails users:import users.xml
rails reason_codes:import reason_codes.xml
Note that Hastus will import all supervisors as the same with no distinction between dispatchers and staff members. To elevate the appropriate administrative staff, record their full names in a .txt file and run e.g.:
rails users:elevate_staff staff.txt
We develop using mailcatcher. They don't recommend listing it in the Gemfile, so install with gem install mailcatcher
Then run mailcatcher
, daemon by default, to catch mail and to localhost:1080
to view the sent mail.