unbalancedparentheses / vim-lunfardo

:koala: got vim? vim distribution with sane defaults
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Vim Lunfardo

In the mid XIX century, Buenos Aires was pullulating with immigrants, mainly Spanish and Italian. Many of them were impoverished and blended in with the already-poor locals: the descendents of aborigins and african slaves.

From the amalgam of the newcomers' languages with Argentina's 'castilian', emerged ther slang known as Lunfardo.

It was created by criminals, mainly to avoid being understood by prison guards.

It was disseminated thanks to 'tango' lyrics, a music which was born as suburban, marginal and was swiftly forbidden by the Church and higher classes. Tango was played and danced in ports, brothels, bars and prisons.

Nowadays, Lunfardo has blended into the castilian language and is part of its idiosincrasy.

Installing Vim Lunfardo

Assuming you're using an Unix-like OS (*BSD, GNU/Linux, OS X, Solaris, etc), you already have vim installed, as well as git & curl you can skip the whole manual and just type in your favorite shell the following command:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unbalancedparentheses/vim-lunfardo/master/bootstrap.sh | bash

Introduction to Vim

Here're some tips in case you've never used VIM before:

Vim cheatsheet





This plugin automatically adjusts 'shiftwidth' and 'expandtab' heuristically based on the current file, or, in the case the current file is new, blank, or otherwise insufficient, by looking at other files of the same type in the current and parent directories.

indent and unindent


Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder

Yank ring

Command line history


Tiled Window Management for Vim with golden view ratio rule forced by autoresize:


Buffergator is a plugin for listing, navigating between, and selecting buffers to edit. Upon invocation (using the command, :BuffergatorOpen or BuffergatorToggle, or the provided key mapping, b), a catalog of listed buffers are displayed in a separate new window split (vertical or horizontal, based on user options; default = vertical). From this "buffer catalog", a buffer can be selected and opened in an existing window, a new window split (vertical or horizontal), or a new tab page.

Selected buffers can be "previewed", i.e. opened in a window or tab page, but with focus remaining in the buffer catalog. Even better, you can "walk" up and down the list of buffers shown in the catalog by using (or ) / (or ). These keys select the next/previous buffer in succession, respectively, opening it for preview without leaving the buffer catalog viewer.


Ferret provides an :Ack command for searching across multiple files using The Silver Searcher, Ack, or Grep. Support for passing options through to the underlying search command exists, along with the ability to use full regular expression syntax without doing special escaping.


If your vim has lua enabled and the patch version is bigger than patch-7.3-885 then neocomplete is used for autocomplete.

If your vim hasn't lua enabled then neocomplcache is used for autocomplete.


If your vim has python enabled then ultisnips is used for inserting snippets.

If your vim hasn't python enabled then neosnippet is used for inserting snippets.

In any case, honza/vim-snippets are used as snippets.

If neosnippet snippets engine is used then also neosnippet-snippets are used as snippets.


A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal:


Powerful shell implemented by vim


Syntax checking hacks for vim


Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters


With the following lines of text

apple   =red
sky-=   blue

Try these commands:

Notice that the commands are repeatable with .
