unboxed / newrelic_puma_plugin

Newrelic Puma Plugin
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link

Instructions for running the Puma agent

  1. Go to the tags list and find the latest archive.
  2. Download and extract the source
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Copy config/template_newrelic_plugin.yml and rename file config/newrelic_plugin.yml
  5. Replace "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" with your New Relic license key
  6. Set the location of the puma state file in config/newrelic_plugin.yml (Note: your puma control has to bind to tcp)
  7. Execute ./newrelic_puma_agent
  8. Go back to the Plugins list, and after a brief period you will see an entry for the Puma plugin