unbroken-dome / gradle-helm-plugin

A Gradle plugin for building, publishing and managing Helm charts.
MIT License
52 stars 55 forks source link
gradle gradle-plugin helm helm-charts kubernetes kubernetes-helm

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= Gradle Helm Plugin :version: 2.0.0 :pluginId: org.unbroken-dome.helm


The gradle-helm-plugin has moved!

As I lack the time to maintain this project at a satisfying level, it has found a new official home at https://github.com/Citi/gradle-helm-plugin[Citi/gradle-helm-plugin].

Please use the plugins https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/com.citi.helm[`com.citi.helm`] etc instead from now on.

Also, please file any issues or PRs in that repository. Thank you and happy helming!


This is a suite of Gradle plugins for building, publishing and managing https://www.helm.sh/[Helm] charts.

NOTE: Starting with version 1.0.0, the plugins require Helm 3.+.

== Features

== Requirements

== Quick Start

Apply the {pluginId} plugin to your Gradle project:

.build.gradle [source,groovy,subs="attributes"]

plugins { id '{pluginId}' version '{version}' }

.build.gradle.kts [source,kotlin,subs="attributes"]

plugins { id("{pluginId}") version "{version}" }

Put your Helm chart sources into src/main/helm:

πŸ“‚ (project root) πŸ“‚ src πŸ“‚ main πŸ“‚ helm πŸ“‚ templates πŸ“„ ... πŸ“„ Chart.yaml πŸ“„ values.yaml

Use the helmPackage task to build your chart.

== Further Documentation