uncheckederror / Ocean2Ocean

Enter your daily step count and track your team's progress as you walk together from Ocean to Ocean.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enter your daily step count and track your team's progress as you walk together from Ocean to Ocean.

Try it out here!

How it's built

This product is composed of three projects:

The Data Access project is a dotnet standard 2.0 library that uses a micro-ORM called Dapper to make queries against an Azure SQL instance.

The Mvc project uses the ASP.NET Core 3.1 framework to execute the business logic of this application and server-side rendering to handle the pages.

Do to how computationally expensive geospatial operations are, in this application we handle all of them in client-side Javascript using the ArcGIS JS library to render the interactive map and the Turf.js library to manipulate the geometry of the route and calculate the distance covered.

This allows us to calculate the number of steps in the route and the two segments representing the distance we have traveled and the distance we have left to cover.

The production version of this application is hosted on an Azure App Service instance and supported by the smallest and cheapest Azure SQL instance. The tiles for the map use the OpenStreetMaps dataset and are provided by Mapbox using their free service tier. Bootstrap 4 is the CSS framework used to style the non-map HTML elements.

Setup Instructions