unchihugo / FluentFlyout

A simple and modern audio flyout for Windows 10/11, built with Fluent 2 Design principles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
226 stars 4 forks source link
audio collaborate fluent fluent-design flyout flyouts github media music windows windows-10 windows-11

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FluentFlyout is a simple and modern audio flyout for Windows, built with Fluent 2 Design principles.
The UI seemingly blends in with Windows 10/11, providing you an uninterrupted, clean, and native-like experience when controlling your media.

FluentFlyout features smooth animations, blends with your system's color themes, includes multiple layout positions and a suite of personalization settings while providing media controls and information in a nice and modern looking popup flyout.

Features ✨

Audio flyout 🎵

How to install

Using Microsoft Store (Recommended)

Looking for FluentFlyout Settings? You can access it by clicking the system tray icon

Using .msixbundle installer

[!Important] It's highly recommended to download FluentFlyout from MS store, as it's more convenient and provides auto updates

  1. Go to the latest release page
  2. Download the *".cer"* file (I'm too poor to afford a real certificate)*
  3. Open the certificate and press "Install Certificate..."
  4. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select "Local Machine", press "Next" and grant Admin Access
  5. Select "Place all certificates in the following store", then "Browse...", choose "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and "OK"
  6. Finally, press "Next" and then "Finish". It might ask you to confirm, press Yes
  7. Download *"FluentFlyout_.msixbundle"**
  8. The App Installer will pop up, press "Install", or "Update" if you've installed FluentFlyout before
  9. done! try playing music and use your media or volume keys

Upcoming features 📝

Contributing 💖

Please feel free to contribute in any way you can! Check out CONTRIBUTING.md to get started.

Credits 🙌
