underground-software / singularity

KDLP: Beyond the event horizon
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The singularity at the center of the KDLP infrastructure black hole.

Section 1: Podman Setup

  1. Make sure you have podman, python3, pip, socat, and git installed on your host machine.

  2. Clone the KDLP podman-compose repo. We maintain a fork of podman compose with fixes and support for features in the container-compose spec that are not yet in upstream podman-compose.

    git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=kdlp https://github.com/underground-software/podman-compose.git
  3. Get the podman-compose depdencies. Here are two options.

    1. Set up a python virtual environment.

      • Create a new venv.
      python3 -m venv kdlp-venv
      source kdlp-venv/bin/activate
      • Install podman-compose's requirements.
      pip install -r requirements.txt
      • If you install depenencies this way, make sure the venv is active (via source kdlp-venv/bin/activate) whenever you use our podman-compose.py script
    2. Get the dependencies from you system package manager:

      • Install the podman-compose packaged by your distribution.
      • It should install the appropriate python dependencies as global python packages.
      • NOTE: Running podman-compose in your terminal will invoke the unpatched version installed by your system package manager which is not compatible with singularity. You must invoke our patched podman_compose.py script directly unless you create your own symlink or alias.

NOTE: From this point on, whenever we say podman-compose, treat this as an invocation of our patched version as described above.

Section 2: Singularity Setup

  1. Clone the singularity repo.

    git clone https://github.com/underground-software/singularity.git
  2. Create an empty docs folder

    mkdir docs
  3. Build the containers.

    podman-compose build
  4. Launch singularity.

    podman-compose up
  5. Open another terminal and run the tests. If you followed the directions, they should pass.

  6. At this point, the application is listening on three unix sockets located in the socks drawer directory.

    tl;dr run sudo ./dev_sockets.sh & to bind the services to the normal TCP ports.

    The ./dev_sockets.sh script will spawn three instances of socat. Each instance proxies requests on a TCP port to a corresponding unix socket. When run without privileges, it will listen on ports above the default threshold of 1024 (as configured in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_unprivileged_port_start), i.e. 1443 for https, 1465 for smtps, and 1995 for pop3s. This is suitable for local testing however you must take care to specify the port and protocol in any URLs that access these services, e.g. https://localhost:1443 to access the local website deployment in your browser.

    When run with privileges, socat will bind to the normal, privileged ports for each service, i.e. 443 for https, 465 for smtps, and 995 for pop3s as specifed by the IANA.

    NOTE: Singularity uses self-signed certificates by default. Accept any warning you see about the security certificate.

  7. Terminate the singularity containers when you are finished.

    podman-compose down

Section 3: Adding web content

By default no static web content is included with the repo. It goes in the docs folder. Markdown files with the .md extension will be converted to html automatically. Other static content will be served as is. You can edit index.md in docs to set the homepage that shows up when you visit the website without specifying a path.

Section 4: Development Configuration for Live Editiing

By default, your edits to the web content in the repo are not reflected on the live website until you rebuild the container. However, you can setup your local environment to enable immediate live editing of the website.

If you set the following environment variable and rebuild the containers, they support live editing.

export COMPOSE_FILE="container-compose.yml:container-compose-dev.yml"

For security reasons, be sure to unset COMPOSE_FILE before production deployment.

Section 5: Production Deployment

To publish an instance of singularity on the internet, you must configure the hostname.

export SINGULARITY_HOSTNAME=singularity.example.com

You may want to remove the "(in development)" label from the footer of the website.


You can alternativelty set this to whatever text you'd like, e.g. "(in staging)".

For the simple case of a single instance deployment, you can run sudo ./dev_sockets.sh & to directly map the TCP ports on your host to this singulariy instance's unix sockets.

Alternatively, you could configure an existing reverse proxy on the host such as nginx to proxy requests from the host to this container.

You should obtain and deploy real SSL certificates. The details of obtaining these certs are beyond the scope of these instructions. We use letsencrypt's certbot.

To install your real certificates into an instance of singularity, create a tarball containing the approriate fullchain.pem and privkey.pem, and then run podman volume import singularity_ssl-certs /path/to/tarball followed by podman exec singularity_nginx_1 nginx -s reload.