undsoft / eslint-plugin-angular-test-ids

MIT License
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Requires certain elements to have a test id attribute in template.

Through author of this plugin is not a fan of test ids and thinks user visible labels should be preferred, test ids may be required by your QA team.

Valid code:

<button data-test="my-test-id"></button>
<button [data-test]="myTestId"></button>


Requires eslint and eslint-plugin-angular to be installed.

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-angular-test-ids

In your .eslintrc file add plugin and rule.

Assuming you've previously set up @angular-eslint/template:

  "files": ["*.html"],
  "extends": ["plugin:@angular-eslint/template/recommended"],
  "plugins": ["angular-test-ids"],
  "rules": {
    "angular-test-ids/require-test-id": ["error"],

    ... other template rules ...

If you don't use @angular-eslint/template:

  "files": ["*.html"],
  "parser": "@angular-eslint/template-parser",
  "plugins": ["angular-test-ids"],
  "rules": {
    "angular-test-ids/require-test-id": ["error"],


Option Description
attribute Attribute to look for. Defaults to data-test.
overrideElements Replace default list of elements that require test ids.
Default elements are:
Native: <button>, <tr>, <input>, <select>, <textarea>, <option>
Material: <mat-radio-group>, <mat-radio-button>, <mat-checkbox>, <mat-chip-list>, <mat-chip>, <mat-select>, <mat-option>
addElements Adds additional elements to the list of elements requiring test ids without replacing defaults.