unfoldingWord / tc-create-app

translationCore Create
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Order of books in tN #1556

Closed elsylambert closed 1 year ago

elsylambert commented 1 year ago

The order of books in en_TN in develop is not in the order. Its in Alphabetical order now. image.png

mandolyte commented 1 year ago

Some notes...

This styleguidist demo here shows proper sorting of twl files.

In the code for the demo, you can change "twl" to "tn" and it will sort TN filenames properly.

Challenge -- where is this being invoked from tc-create itself and why isn't it using the comparer named "tsvManifestFileComparer" as shown in the example?

mandolyte commented 1 year ago

(edit - I needed to do a git pull to obtain later commits. the master branch has v1.10 in it after all)

More notes:

I discovered that the master branch is at v1.9


but current production is at v1.10 image

How did that happen?

mandolyte commented 1 year ago

This comparison does not shown any tc-create file changes, except package.json, yarn.lock, and build_number: https://github.com/unfoldingword/tc-create-app/compare/v1.10...unfoldingword:develop

The sorting, which I think is done in gitea-react-toolkit did not change.

mandolyte commented 1 year ago

This comparison claims there are no differences between v1.10 and master. https://github.com/unfoldingword/tc-create-app/compare/v1.10...unfoldingword:master

However, package.json in master has this:

$ pwd
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ head package.json 
  "name": "tc-create-app",
  "homepage": "https://create.translationcore.com/",
  "version": "1.9.0",
  "license": "MIT",
  "private": false,
  "bugs": {
    "url": "https://github.com/unfoldingWord/tc-create-app/issues"
  "repository": {

But the tagged has 1.10 in its package.json: image

How can this be?

jincypjose commented 1 year ago

@mandolyte for me master branch is in same version as it is in production Screenshot from 2023-03-15 11-36-28

package.json in master for me is this:

$ head package.json { "name": "tc-create-app", "homepage": "https://create.translationcore.com/", "version": "1.10", "license": "MIT", "private": false, "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/unfoldingWord/tc-create-app/issues" }, "repository": {

Not sure whats happening. last time i remember i did a version update to v1.11 for scripture rcl changes(for develop) and the changes was for the highlights

mandolyte commented 1 year ago

I was mistaken (see edited post above) about what was in master... still looking for the last version that worked correctly. So will now back up using the tagged releases.

elsylambert commented 1 year ago

Looks good in translationCore Create - v1.11 build 234-4f2cbcc. The order of books are fine now.