unfoldingWord / tc-create-app

translationCore Create
MIT License
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app react-app scripture-open-components

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tC Create is a web-based application (https://create.translationcore.com) that enables users to translate and edit unfoldingWord’s Gateway Language resources. This tool will greatly expedite the production of the resources needed to further unfoldingWord’s Gateway Language Strategy.


tC Create allows users to translate from unfoldingWord’s English Translation Notes, Translation Words, Translation Questions, Translation Academy and Open Bible Stories. Once the resources are translated and checked in tC Create, they can be used in unfoldingWord’s translationCore tool to check Bible translations.

|624x184 Features:

Learn More:

translationCore Create: How to video

tC Create is built using React Component Libraries. These libraries (listed here) can be used for other applications and we hope that others will contribute libraries to this effort.

Developer Notes

Running Local Cypress Tests

First Time Setup

Running tests

Details on how the auto-increment build number works