unfoldingWord / unfoldingWord.github.io-old

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master | Build Status

develop | Build Status


Source for the unfoldingWord.bible website.

Developer Setup


To setup a development environment for developing on this site, you need to run the following commands (after cloning this repo):

cd unfoldingWord.github.io
bundle install

If you do not have the bundle executable, then you'll need to run sudo gem install bundle first. You may also need to run sudo apt-get install libz-dev ruby-dev in order to satisfy all dependencies.

Updating dependencies

bundle update

How to run site locally

Run the following to have the site served locally.

bundle exec jekyll serve

To just build and test, run:


Publishing Setup

There are two branches that are built and deployed to S3 by Travis CI:

The develop branch may be seen online at http://dev.unfoldingword.bible.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/.

The master branch is available at https://unfoldingword.bible.

Pre Production Testing

You may run make test, or make build, or make serve to test and review your changes locally. Once the cibuild.sh script passes successfully locally, you may commit and push to the develop branch. You can do this by running make commit.

Push to Production

If Travis CI has built and deployed the develop branch successfully, you may merge it into the master branch. You can do this by running make publish. Your changes should be visible within 5 minutes on https://unfoldingword.bible.

OBS Publishing

Please note, you must add an entry to the "keep_files" directive in _config.yml when you want to add a new language for OBS.

Syncing Assets

The /assets directory is currently managed by a Resilio Sync folder shared among the developers (ask if you need access). However, in order to synchronize these assets to the develop and production S3 buckets you must run make assets. This process will not remove assets from the /assets folder, only add or update existing files.

Custom YAML Values

Open source acknowledgements