unit9 / gae-secure-scaffold-python

UNIT9's fork of GAE Secure Scaffold, for use on internal projects
Apache License 2.0
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Secure GAE Scaffold (UNIT9)



Please note: this is not an official Google product.
This is a UNIT9 fork of the Secure GAE Scaffold. You can find the original repository here.

This contains a boilerplate AppEngine application meant to provide a secure base on which to build additional functionality. It has been extended with a gulp-based front end build system.


The scaffold provides the following basic security guarantees by default through a set of base classes found in src/base/handlers.py. These handlers:

  1. Set assorted security headers (Strict-Transport-Security, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, Content-Security-Policy) with strong default values to help avoid attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Script Inclusion. See _SetCommonResponseHeaders() and SetAjaxResponseHeaders().
  2. Prevent the XSS-prone construction of HTML via string concatenation by forcing the use of a template system (Django/Jinja2 supported). The template systems have non-contextual autoescaping enabled by default. See the render(), render_json() methods in BaseHandler and BaseAjaxHandler. For contextual autoescaping, you should use Closure Templates in strict mode (https://developers.google.com/closure/templates/docs/security).
  3. Test for the presence of headers that guarantee requests to Cron or Task endpoints are made by the AppEngine serving environment or an application administrator. See the dispatch() method in BaseCronHandler and BaseTaskHandler.
  4. Verify XSRF tokens by default on authenticated requests using any verb other that GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS. See the _RequestContainsValidXsrfToken() method for more information.

In addition to the protections above, the scaffold monkey patches assorted APIs that use insecure or dangerous defaults (see src/base/api_fixer.py).

Obviously no framework is perfect, and the flexibility of Python offers many ways for a motivated developer to circumvent the protections offered. Under the assumption that developers are not malicious, using the scaffold should centralize many security mechanisms, provide safe defaults, and structure the code in a way that facilitates security review.

Sample implementations can be found in src/handlers.py. These demonstrate basic functionality, and should be removed / replaced by code specific to your application.

Dependency Setup

  1. Install vagrant

  2. Instal required Vagrant plugins
    $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-host-shell

  3. Install VirtualBox

  4. Download Putty and PuttyGen (For Windows Only)

  5. Clone the repo

  6. Enter the project directory
    $ cd $PROJECT_DIR

  7. Run Vagrant
    $ vagrant up

Development process

Start up Vagrant:

$ vagrant up

Log in into Vagrant

  1. create connection in Putty 1.1 create new session

    • host:
    • port: 2222
    • from category (on left) choose Connection -> SSH -> Auth
    • set Private key file for authentication: to .ppk file generated from PuttyGen
    • Save and open
  2. connect using login vagrant

Front end Setup

By default there are no front end files. You can start writing your own files. Or you can use slush generator with prepared scripts to build scaffold for you. Generator is recommeded option. We provide several generators:

Scaffold Setup

These instructions assume a working directory of the repository root.

Local Development

To run the development appserver locally:

$ npm run dev


To run unit tests:

python run_tests.py ~/google_appengine src

Note that the development appserver will be running on a snapshot of code at the time you run it.


To build final application:

$ npm run prod

To deploy to AppEngine:

$ ./util.sh -p <app-id>


The /base and /template and /examples directories are replicated in out/ , and the files in src/ are rebased into out/ (so src/base/foo.py becomes out/base/foo.py).

Files directly in '/src' are rebased into '/out' (e.g. src/main.py becomes out/main.py).

Local Front End server works on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000).

Local Back End server works on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080).

Right now index.html file has provided as static file from out/static/index.html. If you decide to generate this from template, uncomment routing in main.py (line 30) and class at handlers.py (lines 19-23). And change rule from app.yaml.base (line 42)

Windows users! It may happen that Windows Os will mess new line chars. You can fix it setting in IDE 'linux style line endings' or correct them in command line:

  1. install dos2unix sudo apt-get install dos2unix

  2. run find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 dos2unix where 4 is number of processes run simultaneously.