university-works / transport-logistics

Plan, control and management of transportation, storage and other tangible and intangible operations
MIT License
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Transport logistics

Table of contents

General Description

Logistics comprises all tasks for planning, controlling, providing and optimizing processes along the value chain. Transport logistics comprises the complete approach to all processes in logistics that are necessary to conduct a transport.

It deals with the interaction of:

Tasks and objectives of transport logistics

The task of transport logistics is to distribute and provide goods at the lowest possible cost in the production process. The goal is to optimize transports in terms of loading, unloading, capacity utilization, handover and identification. It comprises the complete consideration of all processes in logistics that are necessary for a transport. This includes the consideration of two networks:

A supplier network describes which types of suppliers play a role in the supply process. A distribution network describes the spatial structure in which the distribution processes are implemented.

Development Process

Common conventions

Code style

We use Prettier and ESLint to format and check code. It should cover 90% of cases. If in doubt, just ask others. Use the Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.


Git conventions


Proper branch names and commit messages are required!

Branch names should be prefixed with tech/, feat/ or bugfix/ followed by ticket number from Jira, dash and a few descriptive words. Example: feat/TRL-999-order-creation

Commit messages must follow the following format, we use git conventions:

[Ticket number] [message]

[Optional body]

Example: feat/TRL-999-Add-order-creation.
Long example:


Add order creation and finish place new order screen
This commit finishes order creation flow and gives users the ability to
place new orders and create customers and job sites.

* Fix creation of credit cards on order page
* Fix typings of order form

Another example:


* Integrate with backend user management API
* Remove user profile on deletion

The message should be capped at 75 characters and must be in indefinite tense. It should read as '[If accepted, this commit will] add order creation'.

If provided, the body might include a detailed header, long description and a list of changes with bullet points, all of which are optional (you can use * in Markdown).
Please, DO NOT use fixes, applied fixes and other meaningless messages. If you apply fixes in a batch, use git commit --amend to prevent creating meaningless commits.

PR titles should follow the same format as commit messages. Just so that you know, if you submit a PR with one commit only, GitHub assigns the title of the commit to the PR and saves you quite a bit of typing.


At this moment, single representation of API documentation based on swagger-cli and separated openapi files. That is why keeping this up to date is all developers duty so should be followed until we move to more advanced documentation tool.

Therefore in case of CRUD updates of API - decorators should be applied to fns, it is mandatory and must be delivered with correspondant PR.

Project structure