unixhostpro / BIND9API

GNU General Public License v3.0
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BIND9API - it's API server for DNS-zones management.

Based on Comet and Badcow DNS Library.



Adding repositories

wget https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list
apt update
apt full-upgrade

Installing required packages

apt install bind9 redis-server php7.4-cli php7.4-redis php7.4-curl php7.4-mbstring php7.4-intl php7.4-gmp nginx sudo git composer

Adding system user

useradd dnsmanager -d /opt/dnsmanager -m

Adding user permissions for reload dns server

echo 'dnsmanager ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl reload bind9.service' > /etc/sudoers.d/dnsmanager

Setting BIND9

mkdir /etc/bind/zones
touch /etc/bind/zones/include.conf
chown dnsmanager:bind -R /etc/bind/zones
echo 'include "/etc/bind/zones/include.conf";' >> /etc/bind/named.conf

Cloning repository and installing dependencies

cd /opt/dnsmanager
git clone https://github.com/unixhostpro/BIND9API.git
composer install

Setting nginx config

rm -rf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
cp /opt/dnsmanager/BIND9API/nginx-proxy.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Generating ssl certificate

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt

Adding service to systemd

cp /opt/dnsmanager/BIND9API/bind9api.service /etc/systemd/system/

Changing files permissions

chown dnsmanager:dnsmanager -R /opt/dnsmanager/

Enabling and starting services

systemctl enable bind9 redis-server nginx bind9api
systemctl restart bind9 redis-server nginx bind9api

Scripts for API user management

For showing usage parameters execute command:

php scriptName.php


Create user for api access

cd /opt/dnsmanager/BIND9API/scripts
php addSuperUser.php superuser

Then getting result

Username: superuser
Token: ed1a139acd28ffc77bd0f0b9df2ce4
Allowed IP's:
Super user: Yes
Expire: never
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$api_server_url = '';
$api_server_username = 'superuser';
$api_server_token = 'ed1a139acd28ffc77bd0f0b9df2ce4';

$api = new UnixHost\DNS\Client;
$api->setCredentials($api_server_url, $api_server_username, $api_server_token);

//Create new DNS zone
$params = ['domain' => 'mynewdomain.com', 'nameservers' => ['ns1.mydnsserver.com', 'ns2.mydnsserver.com']];
$create = $api->put('/zones', $params);
if (isset($create['success'])) {
  echo "DNS zone succesfully created.\n";

//Get records
$result = $api->get('/zones/mynewdomain.com');

Cluster sync

Set up d cron job

*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /opt/dnsmanager/BIND9API/cron.php

API Documentation

GET /zones - Return list of DNS-zones

Argument Type Required Description
all boolean no Only for Superuser. Return all DNS-zones on the server
limit integer no Items return limit per request
offset integer no Number of first return item

PUT /zones - Create new DNS-zone

Argument Type Required Description
domain string yes Domain name
ip string (ipv4) yes IP of main A record
ip6 string (ipv6) no IP of main AAAA record
nameservers array no Array of nameservers
nameservers[ * ] string no Nameserver addresses
options array no Array of options
options[ttl] integer no DNS zone TTL
options[origin] string no DNS zone Origin
options[contact] string no Administrator contact E-Mail
options[serial] integer no Serial number
options[refresh] integer no Refresh period
options[retry] integer no Retry period
options[expiry] integer no Expiry time
options[minimum] integer no Minimum TTL

DELETE /zones/{domain} - Delete DNS-zone

Argument Type Required Description
domain string yes Domain name

GET /zones/{domain} - Return records of DNS-zone

Argument Type Required Description
domain string yes Domain name
soa boolean no Include SOA record. As default ignored

PUT /zones/{domain} - Create record

Argument Type Required Description
domain string yes Domain name
name string yes Record name
type string yes Record type
ttl integer no Record TTL
value string yes Record value

POST /zones/{domain}/{id} - Record modify

Argument Type Required Description
id integer yes Record ID
domain string yes Domain name
ttl integer no Record TTL
value string yes Record value

DELETE /zones/{domain}/{id} - Delete record

Argument Type Required Description
id integer yes Record ID
domain string yes Domain name

GET /users - List of API-users

No arguments.

PUT /users - Create API-user

Argument Type Required Description
name string yes Username
allowed_ips array no Array of allowed IP's to API access
allowed_ips[ * ] string (ipv4/ipv6) no IP or subnet (Example: or
expire_timestamp integer no Timestamp of expire user access. 0 - Never expire
superuser boolean no Superuser permissions
access array no Access to routes and methods
access[ * ] string no Access to route
access[ ][methods][ ] string no Access to methods of routes (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)

GET /users/{name} - Return API-user information

Argument Type Required Description
name string yes Username

POST /users/{name} - Modify API-user

Argument Type Required Description
name string yes Username
allowed_ips array no Array of allowed IP's to API access
token string no Change access token
allowed_ips[ * ] string (ipv4/ipv6) no IP or subnet (Example: or
expire_timestamp integer no Timestamp of expire user access. 0 - Never expire
superuser boolean no Superuser permissions
superuser boolean no Superuser permissions
access array no Access to routes and methods
access[ * ] string no Access to route
access[ ][methods][ ] string no Access to methods of routes (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)

DELETE /users/{name} - Delete API-user

Argument Type Required Description
name string yes Username

GET /routes - List of available API-routes and methods

No arguments.

PUT /import - Import DNS-zone as raw

Argument Type Required Description
domain string yes Domain name
zone string yes DNS-zone RAW

PUT /cluster/import - Import DNS-zone as raw and replace if exists.

Argument Type Required Description
domain string yes Domain name
zone string yes DNS-zone RAW