unosquare / ffmediaelement

FFME: The Advanced WPF MediaElement (based on FFmpeg)
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Stuttering when seeking backwards #483

Closed abbrima closed 4 years ago

abbrima commented 4 years ago

In older versions (4.2.310 and earlier), there was an option on MediaOpening called IsFluidSeekingDisabled. Setting this to true used to solve my problem. This option is removed since version 4.3.330 but I would rather not go back to an older version because this one solves multiple issues.

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Sample Code


//this used to be an option in MediaOpeningEventArgs but no longer
e.Options.IsFluidSeekingDisabled = true;

public async void Seek(mTimecode timecode)
      await Video.Seek(timecode.GetSpan());
abbrima commented 4 years ago

Tracing source code lead me to a solution. This option is now called ScrubbingEnabled, setting it to false fixes the problem.