unosquare / ffmediaelement

FFME: The Advanced WPF MediaElement (based on FFmpeg)
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audio audio-processing codec dotnet dotnet-framework ffmpeg ffmpeg-binaries ffplay h264 macos media-playback mediaelement mp3 mp4 mpeg video volume wpf xamarin

FFME: The Advanced WPF MediaElement Alternative

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Please note the current NuGet realease might require a different version of the FFmpeg binaries than the ones of the current state of the source code.

Quick Usage Guide for WPF Apps

Get Started

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new WPF Application.

    Target Framework must be set to .net 5.0 or above

  2. Install the NuGet Package from your Package Manager Console:

    PM> Install-Package FFME.Windows
  3. Acquire the FFmpeg shared binaries (either 64 or 32 bit, depending on your app's target architecture)

    by either

  1. Within your application's startup code (Main method)

    set the Unosquare.FFME.Library.FFmpegDirectory variable to the path of the folder where the DLLs and EXEs are located, e.g.

    Unosquare.FFME.Library.FFmpegDirectory = @"c:\ffmpeg";

    And use the FFME MediaElement control as you would any other WPF control.


in your main window (e.g MainWindow.xaml)

Additional Usage Notes

Features Overview

FFME is an advanced and close drop-in replacement for Microsoft's WPF MediaElement Control. While the standard MediaElement uses DirectX (DirectShow) for media playback, FFME uses FFmpeg to read and decode audio and video. This means that for those of you who want to support stuff like HLS playback, or just don't want to go through the hassle of installing codecs on client machines, using FFME might just be the answer.

FFME provides multiple improvements over the standard MediaElement such as:

... all in a single MediaElement control

FFME also supports opening capture devices. See example URLs below and issue #48

device://dshow/?audio=Microphone (Vengeance 2100):video=MS Webcam 4000
device://gdigrab?title=Command Prompt

If you'd like audio to not change pitch while changing the SpeedRatio property, you'll need the SoundTouch.dll library v2.1.1 available on the same directory as the FFmpeg binaries. You can get the SoundTouch library here.

About how it works

First off, let's review a few concepts. A packet is a group of bytes read from the input. All packets are of a specific MediaType (Audio, Video, Subtitle, Data), and contain some timing information and most importantly compressed data. Packets are sent to a Codec and in turn, the codec produces Frames. Please note that producing 1 frame does not always take exactly 1 packet. A packet may contain many frames but also a frame may require several packets for the decoder to build it. Frames will contain timing informattion and the raw, uncompressed data. Now, you may think you can use frames and show pixels on the screen or send samples to the sound card. We are close, but we still need to do some additional processing. Turns out different Codecs will produce different uncompressed data formats. For example, some video codecs will output pixel data in ARGB, some others in RGB, and some other in YUV420. Therefore, we will need to Convert these frames into something all hardware can use natively. I call these converted frames, MediaBlocks. These MediaBlocks will contain uncompressed data in standard Audio and Video formats that all hardware is able to receive.

The process described above is implemented in 3 different layers:

A high-level diagram is provided as additional reference below. arch-michelob-2.0

Some Work In Progress

Your help is welcome!

Windows: Compiling, Running and Testing

Please note that I am unable to distribute FFmpeg's binaries because I don't know if I am allowed to do so. Follow the instructions below to compile, run and test FFME.

  1. Clone this repository and make sure you have .Net Core 3.1 or above installed.
  2. Download the FFmpeg shared binaries for your target architecture: FFmpeg Windows Downloads.
  3. Extract the contents of the zip file you just downloaded and go to the bin folder that got extracted. You should see 3 exe files and multiple dll files. Select and copy all of them.
  4. Now paste all files from the prior step onto a well-known folder. Take note of the full path. (I used c:\ffmpeg\)
  5. Open the solution and set the Unosquare.FFME.Windows.Sample project as the startup project. You can do this by right clicking on the project and selecting Set as startup project. Please note that you will need Visual Studio 2019 with dotnet 5.0 SDK for your target architecture installed.
  6. Under the Unosquare.FFME.Windows.Sample project, find the file App.xaml.cs and under the constructor, locate the line Library.FFmpegDirectory = @"c:\ffmpeg"; and replace the path so that it points to the folder where you extracted your FFmpeg binaries (dll files).
  7. Click on Start to run the project.
  8. You should see a sample media player. Click on the Open icon located at the bottom right and enter a URL or path to a media file.
  9. The file or URL should play immediately, and all the properties should display to the right of the media display by clicking on the Info icon.
  10. You can use the resulting compiled assemblies in your project without further dependencies. Look for

ffmeplay.exe Sample Application

The source code for this project contains a very capable media player (FFME.Windows.Sample) covering most of the use cases for the FFME control. If you are just checking things out, here is a quick set of shortcut keys that ffmeplay accepts.

Shortcut Key Function Description
G Example of toggling subtitle color
Left Seek 1 frame to the left
Right Seek 1 frame to the right
+ / Volume Up Increase Audio Volume
- / Volume Down Decrease Audio Volume
M / Volume Mute Mute Audio
Up Increase playback Speed
Down Decrease playback speed
A Cycle Through Audio Streams
S Cycle Through Subtitle Streams
Q Cycle Through Video Streams
C Cycle Through Closed Caption Channels
R Reset Changes
Y / H Contrast: Increase / Decrease
U / J Brightness: Increase / Decrease
I / K Saturation: Increase / Decrease
E Example of cycling through audio filters
T Capture Screenshot to desktop/ffplay folder
W Start/Stop recording packets (no transcoding) into a transport stream to desktop/ffplay folder.
Double-click Enter fullscreen
Escape Exit fullscreen
Mouse Wheel Up / Down Zoom: In / Out


In no particular order

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