unosquare / ffmediaelement

FFME: The Advanced WPF MediaElement (based on FFmpeg)
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FFME freezes when trying to play after a close #667

Open Prime8bit opened 1 month ago

Prime8bit commented 1 month ago

Issue Title (change this title!)

I am evaluating using FFME for my next project which will be playing RTSP streams. I am using both a prototype project and the sample application to evaluate its capabilities and noticed that if I open any media, regardless of whether it is a live stream or a local file, then close it, then attempt to play any media, either the same media or different media, that the application will completely freeze. The debugger is not able to pause when this occurs so I am not able to provide many more details.

Issue Categories

Version Information

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the sample application.
  2. Open an mp4 file for playback. I have been using, among others that I am unwilling to share. I have opened this both from that url and from a locally downloaded copy.
  3. Bring up the controls tool bar and click on the X icon to close.
  4. Open any video for playback.

Expected Results

Actual Results

Sample Code

No need. I used the Sample Project for FFME as written.