unraed / DialogueTree

A free dialogue plugin for Unreal Engine 5
MIT License
10 stars 4 forks source link


A free dialogue plugin for Unreal Engine 5. Dialogue Tree seeks to be a fun, easy to use, and flexible solution for writing and playing in-game dialogue.



There are two options for how to install the plugin.

Option 1: You can go to the product page on the Unreal Marketplace and install from the Epic Launcher as normal. Doing so is free, installs the plugin to your installation of the Engine, and makes it easy to get updates as they come out.

Option 2: You can download the code from this repository and install the plugin to a local C++ project using the following steps:

1) Unzip the plugin's files 2) Drag the resulting "Dialogue Tree" directory into your project's "Plugins" folder. If the "Plugins" folder does not already exist, you can safely create one. 3) Launch your project by double clicking the ".uproject" file as normal. 4) Click "yes" when the prompt appears asking you to build the plugin's modules. 5) Wait until the project launches. This can take several minutes. 6) Verify that the plugin is activated by going to Edit>>Plugins and making sure Dialogue Tree is checked.

This second option is also free, and has the advantage of allowing you to modify Dialogue Tree's ".uplugin" file to compile for platforms that I do not currently support. To do this, simply open up the ".uplugin" file and add the desired platform to the "PlatformAllowList." Just keep in mind that the support I can offer for other platforms may be limited.

Supported Engine Versions

Currently, the plugin supports Unreal Engine 5.1-5.4. I will be adding support for new versions as they come out. Unfortunately, I will not be able to extend support to engine versions prior to 5.1.

Supported Platforms

Currently, I am only supporting Win64 as a target/development platform. I may extend support to other platforms in future. In the meantime, you are welcome to recompile the plugin for other platforms using the procedure discussed under Installation above, with the caveat mentioned there.


For full details on the plugin, as well as tutorials to help you get started, I encourage you to check out the plugin's documentation site. Tutorials are also available in video format on YouTube.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any questions, or if you would like to report a bug or suggest a feature, you can reach me either at unraedgames@gmail.com or on my Discord Channel.

How to Support the Project

Dialogue Tree is provided for free to all users. If you would like to support further development you can do so on Patreon.