There are sixteen text files included in this repository, each with their own section of translations:
All file names are in lowercase and should be included in the repository to make the translations complete.
Removing a particular file, means no translations will be available for that section and the GUI will display text in original English.
Each text file contains regular text strings stored in UTF-8 format with linux line-endings. Use a text editor which supports UTF-8 and linux format, like notepad++
The content of each text file is separated into two parts
These are single line entries which are in the format:
original English text=translated Foreign text
Only modify the text after the equal sign(=) and leave the original English text at the left untouched. Removing a line or omitting a translation after the equal sign, results in the GUI displaying this line with the original English text.
The translated text may have 'special characters', such as slashes, parenthesis or brackets which are not included in the key text, but which are used to display text accordingly. E.g.
Options see Help=Options (see Help)
The characters * and ** are used to display text in italics and bold respectively. E.g.
Array must be Stopped to change=Array must be **Stopped** to change
It is recommended to make translations per section, that is one file at the time, and verify the correctness of the translations in the GUI before proceeding with the next section.
Keep in mind the length of the translations and try to make them similar length as the original text and avoid space issues in the GUI.
These are multi line entries used to translate multiple lines at once. Multi line translations have a unique opening and closing tag:
:unique_tag_name_plug: - unique opening tag used for any multi line text section
:end - closing tag
Do not remove or alter these tags and only translate the text between the opening and closing tags!
All help text of the GUI is stored in a single file helptext.txt.
This file has multiple help text sections. Each section is enclosed by a unique opening tag and corresponding closing tag.
:unique_tag_name_help: - unique opening tag used for a help text section
:end - corresponding closing tag
Do not remove or alter these tags and only translate the text between the opening and closing tags!
Be aware that Markdown styling syntax is used, this must be preserved.
Once the translations are complete and you want to test locally the (intermediate) results, the text files need to be zipped into a single ZIP file. Give the ZIP file the name of your language, e.g.
In the GUI go to: Tools -> webGUI -> Language (switch to Developer view)
NOTE: If your language is not available from the dropdown menu, please make a request on the Unraid forum
Now your language is available for local testing!
In the GUI go to: Settings -> Display Settings -> Language
A language repository will be made available at Github, where translators can create Pull Requests (PR) and submit their work.
Once you are satisfied with your results, use Github (an account is required) to fork the respective language repository and create a PR with your modifications.
Limetech will review this and merge your work when approved.
When updated source text files in English become available in the future, these updates will be made available through Github.
Translators can use the Github system to see which changes are made and update their translations accordingly.
Your efforts are much welcomed and to show our appreciation, your name and language are credited on the Credits page under Tools in the GUI. Please let us know which credentials to use.
Thank you very much!