untoldwind / KontrolSystem2

Autopilot scripting system for KSP2
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Enhancement for UI #151

Open PhilouDS opened 3 months ago

PhilouDS commented 3 months ago


I have this simple UI to select a script from all available processes. Is it possible to add a sort of Scroller list to UI? For now, I'm using a slider but I thought that scroll list could be better. image

untoldwind commented 2 months ago

The release now has a .add_vertical_scroll(width, height) method (width and height are the minimum size of the scroll container, otherwise I is similar to a regular vertical layout). Currently only vertical scroll is possible (mostly because I forgot to create assets for a horizonal scollbar).

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

Thanks! I'll show you the new UI as soon as I restart KSP2.

Ah... I see that the vertical scroll is a Container too... That means we can't select an element from there. I realized that the name scroller wasn't what I thought. Sorry. I wanted a pop up list, as in kOS.


Sorry for that confusion... Anyway, scrollers are great too!

untoldwind commented 2 months ago

Pre-release (https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.5.7.7) Has a ui_container.add_dropdown(options: string[]) method, that should realize that:


use { Vessel } from ksp::vessel
use { CONSOLE } from ksp::console
use { open_window, open_centered_window, screen_size, Align } from ksp::ui
use { wait_until, yield } from ksp::game

pub fn main_flight(vessel: Vessel) -> Result<Unit, string> = {

    const dialog = open_centered_window("Monitor", 0, 0)

    const dropdown = dialog.add_dropdown((1..20).map(fn(i) -> $"Option {i}"))

    dropdown.on_change(fn(i) -> {
        CONSOLE.print_line($"Selected {i}")

    wait_until(fn() -> dialog.is_closed)

The graphics still might need some tweaking, creating a dropdown requires a loot of interconnected game-objects, so there are probably some quirks I have not noticed yet.

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

Thanks! I'll have a look at this in the next days!

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

@untoldwind Thanks to you I have a new Boot UI :) image

The harder part was to save the parameter values if they are changed. That's the purpose of my validate button. image

Once the parameters are validated by the user, the field are disabled. You can click on the BACK button to change again the parameters or the Start button to... run the script 🥳 image

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

This was a lot of wok to do what Kontrol System already do 😅 The difference is that my list of missions is organised in the reverse order. So, the last mission is on the top of the list.

untoldwind commented 2 months ago

I slightly adjusted the positioning of the inner elements in https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.5.7.8

It should remove some of the pixel-atrifacts

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

With version image image

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

Is there any variable that returns the actual version of Kontrol System? I'd like to add this version number at the bottom of my UIs... If I can do that automatically, it would be great.

untoldwind commented 2 months ago

In the release I added a version field to the ksp::game::MAINFRAME (https://kontrolsystem2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/ksp/game.html)

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago


Actually, the last modification had been made with version but I wanted to test my script.

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

I created a list with all the bodies of the game and I used it in a dropdown. Then I have this piece of code that updated different float cells:

dropdown.on_change(fn(i) -> {
  body_name.value = find_body(dropdown.options[i]).value.name
  periapsis_input.value = floor(find_body(dropdown.options[i]).value.atmosphere_depth) + 10000
  apoapsis_input.value = floor(find_body(dropdown.options[i]).value.atmosphere_depth) + 10000
  altitude_input.value = floor(find_body(dropdown.options[i]).value.atmosphere_depth) + 10000

This gives me the following error: image

I can make this error disappears adding in a last line CONSOLE.print("").

I think it's a normal behaviour, the last line acting for the Return statement... But it feels artificial to add this CONSOLE line.

untoldwind commented 2 months ago

Yes, this is kind of a bug with type inference. The dropdown callback is probably not the only callback affected by this.

PhilouDS commented 2 months ago

Yes, this is kind of a bug with type inference. The dropdown callback is probably not the only callback affected by this.

Indeed, I've already noticed that with button and field input.

untoldwind commented 2 months ago

This should be fixed in pre-release (https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.5.8.0): The callback are tweaked to accept functions with arbitrary returns (which just gets ignored)

PhilouDS commented 1 month ago


I have a new UI to select a specific vessel among all vessels. After selecting a vessel, I can use its geocoordinates. image

I want to improve the UI to let the player enter geocoordinates (after selecting a body). So the player must choose between "select a vessel", "enter geocoordinates" or "nothing".

1- I can do that with toggle buttons but is it possible to have radio buttons more suitable when only one item can be selected?

2- Until now, when I need to change from one container to an other, I have to remove the container and if I need it later, I must recreate it. I think it's not optimal. Is it a way to "hide" and "show" a container without destroying it each time?

untoldwind commented 1 month ago

Unluckily I had not much time to test this. In the current pre-release: https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.5.9.3 the UI elements now have a .visible field to toggle show/hide. There might be some issue with layouting though

PhilouDS commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I'm trying this. I'm having this error message with a dropdown: image

const dropdown_vessels = ves_box.add_dropdown(names_of_vessels.value)

names_of_vessels is a list of all my owned vessels' names.

How can I correct this error? How can I get a Cell<T>?

PhilouDS commented 1 month ago

The visible field works as expected. Thank you. My next wish: radio button instead of toggle 😋 image image

untoldwind commented 3 weeks ago

The dropdown.bind creates a binding for the value of the dropdown (i.e. the currently selected index) not the available options to select from. You can change the options just by setting the dropdown.options field. IMHO there is no need to create a special binding method for this.