untoldwind / KontrolSystem2

Autopilot scripting system for KSP2
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Kontrol System 2

A scripting framework for autopilots in Kerbal Space Program 2.

This is the successor of KontrolSystem which in turn was (supposed to be) the spiritual offspring of the wonderful KOS mod.


Showcases / Projects that use KontrolSystem2


In flight there should now be an additional menu entry:


which should open the main dialog to start scripts:


The "Manage" button shows all errors if the system failed to reboot. If everything is ok it should be like this:


And there is a console where scripts can write helpful (or not so helpful) stuff to:


... obviously this whole thing is every basic at the moment


Currently there is a hard requirment to BepInEx and SpaceWarp. Both need to be installed to your local copy of KSP2.

If KSP2 is installed somewhere else than C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2 you have to set a KSP2_BASE_DIR environment variable with the correct path (or somehow set this as a global property for msbuild).

Convenient build scripts: build.ps1 (Windows), build.sh (Linux)

Known issues

Missing parts aka. "soon"(tm)