The goal of CMORprojects is to provide tools to optimise a research project data analysis workflow for research projects undertaken at CMOR.
You can install the latest version of CMORprojects from GitHub with:
Create a new research project folder:
# create_research_project("~/path/to/project/folder")
Create a target to render RMarkdown report to docx file in a targets
# targets <- list(
# tar_file(data_file, "raw_data/data.csv"),
# tar_target(data, read_raw_data(data_file)),
# tar_target(analysis, do_some_analysis(data)),
# tar_file(file_word_styles, "output/word-styles-reference-01.docx"),
# tar_file(file_csl, "output/vancouver.csl"),
# tar_file(file_bib, "output/references.bib"),
# tar_render_manuscript(manuscript, "output/manuscript.Rmd", "output/manuscript.docx",
# file_word_styles, file_csl, file_bib)
# )