uoip / SSD-variants

PyTorch implementation of several SSD based object detection algorithms.
MIT License
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convolutional-networks deep-learning object-detection one-stage pytorch ssd

This is a learning project trying to implement some varants of SSD in pytorch. SSD is a one-stage object detector, probably "currently the best detector with respect to the speed-vs-accuracy trade-off". There are many follow-up papers that either further improve the detection accuracy, or incorporate techniques like image segmentation to be used for Scene Understanding(e.g. BlitzNet), or modify SSD to detect rotatable objects(e.g. DRBox), or apply SSD to 3d object detection(e.g. Frustum PointNets):


Model publish time Backbone input size Boxes FPS VOC07 VOC12 COCO
SSD300 2016 VGG-16 300 × 300 8732 46 77.2 75.9 25.1
SSD512 2016 VGG-16 512 × 512 24564 19 79.8 78.5 28.8
SSD321 2017.01 ResNet-101 321 × 321 17080 11.2 77.1 75.4 28.0
SSD513 2017.01 ResNet-101 513 × 513 43688 6.8 80.6 79.4 31.2
DSSD321 2017.01 ResNet-101 321 × 321 17080 9.5 78.6 76.3 28.0
DSSD513 2017.01 ResNet-101 513 × 513 43688 5.5 81.5 80.0 33.2
RUN300 2017.07 VGG-16 300 × 300 11640 64 (Pascal) 79.1 77.0
DSOD300 2017.08 DS/64-192-48-1 300 × 300 17.4 77.7 76.3 29.3
BlitzNet300 2017.08 ResNet-50 300 × 300 45390 24 78.5 75.4 29.7
BlitzNet512 2017.08 ResNet-50 512 × 512 32766 19.5 80.7 79.0 34.1
RefineDet320 2017.11 VGG-16 320 × 320 6375 40.3 80.0 78.1 29.4
RefineDet512 2017.11 VGG-16 512 × 512 16320 24.1 81.8 80.0 33.0
RefineDet320 2017.11 ResNet-101 320 × 320 32.0
RefineDet512 2017.11 ResNet-101 512 × 512 36.4
RRC 2017.04 VGG-16 1272 × 375
DRBox 2017.11 VGG-16 300 × 300
Frustum PointNets rgb part 2017.11 VGG-16 1280 × 384

All backbone networks above have been pre-trained on ImageNet CLS-LOC dataset, except DSOD, it's "training from scratch".


Note: "Implemented" above means the code of the model is almost done, it doesn't mean I have trained it, or even reproduced the results of original paper. Actually, I have only trained SSD300 on VOC07, the best result I got is 76.5%, lower than 77.2% reported in SSD paper. I'll continue this project when I find out what's the problem.



Download dataset VOC2007 and VOC2012, put them under VOCdevkit directory:

-| VOC2007
   -| Annotations
   -| ImageSets
   -| JPEGImages
   -| SegmentationClass
   -| SegmentationObject
-| VOC2012
   -| Annotations
   -| ImageSets
   -| JPEGImages
   -| SegmentationClass
   -| SegmentationObject



python train.py --cuda --voc_root path/to/your/VOCdevkit --backbone path/to/your/vgg16_reducedfc.pth
The backbone network vgg16_reducedfc.pth is from repo amdegroot/ssd.pytorch (download link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/amdegroot-models/vgg16_reducedfc.pth).


python train.py --cuda --test --voc_root path/to/your/VOCdevkit --checkpoint path/to/your/xxx.pth

show demo:

python train.py --cuda --demo --voc_root path/to/your/VOCdevkit --checkpoint path/to/your/xxx.pth



models my result paper result
SSD300 76.5% 77.2%

to be continued
