uos / rviz_fps_plugin

ViewController and a Tool Plugin to navigate RViz like an FPS-Shooter
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Rviz Seg Faults when used with ROS Kinetic #6

Closed bharadwajakshay closed 3 years ago

bharadwajakshay commented 6 years ago


I tried to use this plugin with ROS kinetic, but Rviz seg faults when either the plugin is loaded or the view controller is changed to FPSMotion. Have you seen similar behavior?


mintar commented 6 years ago

Hi @spacemanspiff0211! I haven't used this repo in a long time (probably never on kinetic), and the last code update was 3 years ago. So you should consider this repo unmaintained. If you want to use the code here, you'll have to fix it yourself, sorry. :(

If you do make it compatible with kinetic, and you want to contribute a pull request, I'd be happy to review it though!

albee commented 3 years ago

Hi @mintar I've fixed this in a pull request. I'm able to compile and run the RViz plugin on ROS Kinetic (updated CMakeLists.txt to QT5). I ran across this plugin after looking for a better way to navigate RViz, I hope others can continue using it in future ROS distros!

jspricke commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed with #9.