uoy-research / CellPhe-dashboard

A dashboard for the CellPhe toolkit for cell phenotyping
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CellPhe Dashboard

A dashboard for the CellPhe cell phenotyping library.


The dashboard is run locally so that you are in full control of your images and do not need to upload them anywhere. It is cross-platform and runs in a web browser and doesn't require any coding experience beyond that required to run the CellPhe python package.


The only prerequisite is to install Git (or GitHub Desktop) and optionally Docker (or Docker Desktop)

Running with Docker

Firstly, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/uoy-research/CellPhe-dashboard.git

Then run Docker Compose from within this folder. This command will create a Docker image with all of the dependencies installed, it will take several minutes.

docker compose up --build

Once the above command finishes, you should able to access the app through a web browser at the address:

For all subsequent uses you do not need to install the dependencies again and can simply run docker compose up.

Caution: file system usage

This dashboard uses Streamlit which has some heavy dependencies. As a result, the Docker image is very large (~10GB), so ensure that you have this amount of hard drive space available. You can always clear your Docker cache with docker system prune.

Running directly with Python

The app can be run without Docker, although it will require setting up a suitable Python environment.

Firstly, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/uoy-research/CellPhe-dashboard.git

Then install the Python prequisites, ideally in a new virtual environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can run the app with:

streamlit run GUI.py --server.port=8501 --server.address=