upkbs-chronobiology / somnus-app

App for collecting sleep log answers, connecting to the somnus main application
MIT License
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App for collecting sleep log answers, connecting to the somnus main application.

Technology stack

This project is based on Ionic (with Cordova).


After setting up Ionic, run ionic serve to launch the app on localhost for development.


In order to execute Karma/Jasmine (unit) tests, run npm test.

Integration tests

Before running integration tests, make sure a non-critical instance of the back end Somnus application is running, reachable, and has appropriate test users (with appropriate rights) in place; check test-utils.ts for details. Do not run integration tests against a production back end, since they alter data. Integration tests can then be executed with npm test-integration.


In order to build a production release, do ionic cordova build <platform> --release --prod.


We currently don't use an automated releasing/versioning system, so bump versions manually and add a git tag. The relevant fields are version and android-versionCode in config.xml.

Cordova plugin issues

For some reason, cordova plugins are sometimes not properly installed, leading to faulty behavior. Look out for errors during plugin installation (e.g. during ionic cordova platform add <platform>).

Things that might help (each on its own, not necessarily in sequence):

For example, in some cases, the prod-built app on phones fails to make requests to the server; they fail with 404 (allegedly from cache). This is caused by cordova-plugin-whitelist not being properly installed. Just re-add it and everything should work as expected.

Background info: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/api-request-404-from-cache-on-android-device/110012/3

Unwanted resources generation

By default, Ionic generates resources during platform-add. Prevent this by adding the --no-resources flag.


node-sass build fails

This might surface as a failing ionic build, npm install or node-sass rebuild. The error message contains something along the lines of:

Error: make failed with exit code: 2

And further up errors stemming from C++ code compilation (probably referring to v8).

This can be caused by API mismatches between v8 and node-sass, meaning that the versions of node and node-sass are not compatible. If the same build used to work before and/or on other machines, it probably had a different node version installed.

Cryptic errors in @types/jasmine

Transpilation fails with errors in @types/jasmine/index.d.ts where error lines and columns don't quite seem to match actual code. Error messages typically claim to miss some syntax elements, like ';', '(', or ']'.

Cause for this is likely a mismatch between node (or typescript?) and @types/jasmine versions. E.g. @types/jasmine 2.8.6 seems to work with node 10.x.

Prod build succeeds but page in app stays empty

In the JavaScript console, an error is logged Uncaught Error: Cannot find module ".".

It's not entirely clear how this happens, and there's a range of possible causes. In some cases, changing TypeScript version fixes the issue, as has been observed with 2.8.3 (working) vs. 2.8.4 (not working).