upperlevel / slimyguis

An API for GUIs on Spigot.
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This project is an abstraction of the Spigot Inventories that helps creating games-like GUIs with a stack-like history. Follows a brief documentation on how to use it.

Here's an example of a Hotbar:

  private static final Hotbar hotbar = SimpleHotbar.of(
            HotbarLink.newLink(Link.consoleCommand("kick <player>"), wool(DyeColor.BLUE, ChatColor.BLUE + "Kick")),
            newLink(p -> p.sendMessage("pong"), wool(DyeColor.ORANGE, ChatColor.GOLD +"Ping")),
            newLink(Link.command("help"), wool(DyeColor.WHITE, ChatColor.WHITE + "Help")),
                    new FolderGui("Tools")
                                            new ConfirmGui()
                                                    .title("Sure to ban?")
                                                    .descriptionItem(BAN_ITEM) //Optional, but suggesed
                                                    .onConfirm(Link.consoleCommand("ban <player>"))
                            .addLink(GuiAction.close().and(Link.consoleCommand("kick <player>")), wool(DyeColor.YELLOW, "Kick"))
                            .addLink(change(new RainbowGui()), wool(DyeColor.LIGHT_BLUE, "Rainbow :)")), //Example of the stack-like Gui system
                    wood(TreeSpecies.ACACIA, ChatColor.GRAY + "Tools")

The API works a lot with Links, those are methods that get executed when a player clicks. The HotbarLinks are just Links with an Itemstack for display, they can run commands, methods or even Guis Here's a simple custom Gui:

private static class RainbowGui extends BaseGui {
    public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
        //This should process the click
        if(event.getCurrentItem().getType() != Material.AIR)
            event.getWhoClicked().sendMessage("Clicked: " + DyeColor.getByWoolData(event.getCurrentItem().getData().getData()));

    protected Inventory render() {
        DyeColor[] colors = DyeColor.values();
        Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(null, GuiSize.min(colors.length));
        for(int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++)
            inv.setItem(i, GuiUtils.wool(colors[i], colors[i].name().toLowerCase()));
        return inv;

And here's how to open them:

HotbarManager.add(player, hotbar);//Open the hotbar
GuiManager.open(player, new RainbowGui());//Open only the Gui

For more documentation visit the Javadocs