uprm-inso-4117-2020-2021-s2 / semester-project-team-10

semester-project-team-10 created by GitHub Classroom
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Initial Backend setup

  1. Requires python 3.6+
  2. Using a virtual environment is recommended (I think that pycharm does it for you). See https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/ to learn how to make your virtual enviorment and how to activate it.
  3. Navigate to the backend folder
  4. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt in order to install the required libraries.

Running the Backend server

To run the backend server run the following command uvicorn main:app --reload

To make sure that the user authentication works, run the command openssl rand -hex 32 in a terminal window. It will generate a secure secret key, which needs to be pasted on the SECRET_KEY constant in loginsecurity.py.

Initial Frontend setup

Generally the node_modules folder (which contains all the packages for the project) is ignored in github because it contains a lot of packages, so you will have to install the packages locally. In order to do that, get Node.js (if you don't have it) for the npm (node package manager), then access the repo via the Command Prompt, and do "npm install". This will install all the packages. After that, do this other command "npm start".