uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-regiupr

semester-project-regiupr created by GitHub Classroom
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End to end integration of the courses table. #172

Closed nelson-escalona closed 20 hours ago

nelson-escalona commented 1 week ago

Objective: Integrate the front end and the back end of the courses table in the college planning feature so that the courses table is pulling the correct information from the database.

Description: In the "College Planning" feature, a courses table is available for the student so that the student can see which classes he has taken and which classes he hasn't taken. All of this data is pulled from the database, using previously defined functions that were worked on in M2. For this issue, the goal is to successfully implement these functions with the front end, ensuring that the front end is displaying the correct information to the student.

Expected Outcome: Using the Juan del Pueblo dummy user, we want to be able to display all the courses with the correct color coding. If this is done successfully, we can say that the course table is fully integrated.

Difficulty: 5

Priority: 7

Assignee: @carlospepin23 and @nelson-escalona

nelson-escalona commented 1 day ago

End to end Courses integration

End to end integration was successfully completed. Right now, given a student number, all courses display correctly following the correct color coding, green for courses not taken and blue for courses already taken.

Although the student number is "hard-coded" right now, we have a commented line inside the code (src/college_planning.py, Lines 19-20) that will be uncommented once the feature is integrated with the application. These lines will dynamically get the students number, based on what student is signed in

Here is a video of how its working right now:

Screencast from 23-11-24 21:02:13.webm