uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-regiupr

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RegiUPR Course Enrollment System

Description of Image


The RegiUPR Course Enrollment System is a Python-based desktop application, utilizing the PyQT5 framework to streamline the course enrollment process for students. The system allows students to search for courses by course code, view course details, enroll in sections, and manage their enrolled courses. The application also includes a side panel with easy navigation options for accessing enrolled courses and other features.

Table of Contents




To set up the RegiUPR Course Enrollment System on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/regiupr-course-enrollment.git
    cd regiupr-course-enrollment
  2. Install dependencies:

    Ensure you have Python 3.x or newer installed on your system. Install the necessary Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the application:

    python main.py
  4. Create an executable (optional):

    To create an executable using PyInstaller:

    pyinstaller --onefile --windowed main.py

    This will generate an executable file in the dist directory.


  1. Start the application: Run the 'main.py' file.

  2. Search for a course: Type the course code (e.g., 'ICOM4009') in the search bar. Matching results will appear as you type.

  3. View course details: Click on "More Details" to view additional information about a course.

  4. Enroll in a course: Click "Enroll" to view available sections and enroll in one if it's available.

  5. View enrolled courses: Access the list of enrolled courses via the side panel menu.

File Structure

├── courses.py          # Contains course-related functions and data
├── main.py             # Main entry point for the application
├── resources/          # Directory for images and other resources
│   └── RegiUPR.png     # Logo image
├── README.md           # Project documentation
├── requirements.txt    # List of dependencies
└── .gitignore          # Git ignore file


To install these dependencies, use the following command:

 pip install -r requirements.txt


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
