uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-regiupr

semester-project-regiupr created by GitHub Classroom
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Develop Login Screen #31

Closed Gian-Go closed 1 day ago

Gian-Go commented 1 week ago


Create a Login screen for the app


The login screen will be developed using Tkinter and PyQT5, requiring user credentials such as institutional email, student ID number, and password. It will communicate with the database to verify said credentials. A first-time user would have to create a password for their account.


Tkinter and PyQT5 will be utilized through VSCode to prepare the Login process. The main program will access and open this screen first on startup. A connection to the database is required for storage and retrieval of user info.

Time Constraints: The task should be completed by September 17 at the latest.

Difficulty: 5

Priority: 2

cristianMarcial commented 5 days ago

I would like to add that, according to the GUI Team Lead Tasks, the part of "handling the logic, data integration, and connectivity with the database" functionalities are worked on in the Database Integration team tasks and the GUI is not directly connected to the DB, since there are many individual DB's outputs and creating a module to connect to the DB and obtain each DB function individually is not that efficient. Therefore, the Database Integration team is in charge of creating a single module to connect to the DB, read and untangle the DB data and provide us with getters and setters to manipulate the data for the log-in.