uptane / meta-updater

Yocto layer supporting Uptane updates via aktualizr and OSTree
MIT License
11 stars 17 forks source link

= meta-updater :toc: macro :toc-title: :devguide-docsroot: https://docs.ota.here.com/ota-client/latest/ :getstarted-docsroot: https://docs.ota.here.com/getstarted/dev/

Meta-updater is a link:https://www.yoctoproject.org/software-overview/layers/[Yocto layer] that enables over-the-air updates (OTA) with https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree[OSTree] and https://github.com/uptane/aktualizr[aktualizr] -- the default client for link:https://www.here.com/products/automotive/ota-technology[HERE OTA Connect].

https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree[OSTree] is a tool for atomic full file system upgrades with rollback capability. OSTree has several advantages over traditional dual-bank systems, but the most important one is that it minimizes network bandwidth and data storage footprint by sharing files with the same contents across file system deployments.

https://github.com/uptane/aktualizr[Aktualizr] implements https://uptane.github.io/uptane-standard/uptane-standard.html[Uptane], supports device authentication and provisioning, and is integrated with OSTree. You can connect aktualizr to your own server solution or sign up for a free account at https://connect.ota.here.com/[HERE OTA Connect] to get started.

== Quickstart

If you don't already have a Yocto project that you want to add OTA to, you can use the xref:{getstarted-docsroot}get-started.html[HERE OTA Connect Quickstart] project to rapidly get up and running on a xref:{getstarted-docsroot}raspberry-pi.html[Raspberry Pi] or with xref:{getstarted-docsroot}qemuvirtualbox.html[QEMU]. It takes a standard https://www.yoctoproject.org/tools-resources/projects/poky[poky] distribution, and adds OTA and OSTree capabilities.

== Dependencies

In addition to the link:https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#required-packages-for-the-build-host[standard Yocto dependencies], meta-updater generally requires a few additional dependencies, depending on your use case and target platform. To install these additional packages on Debian/Ubuntu, run this:

.... sudo apt install cpu-checker default-jre parted ....

To build for https://github.com/advancedtelematic/meta-updater-minnowboard[Minnowboard] with GRUB, you will also need to install https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/OVMF[TianoCore's ovmf] package on your host system. On Debian/Ubuntu, you can do so with this command:

.... sudo apt install ovmf ....

[discrete] == Table of Contents

The following documentation focuses on tasks that involve the meta-updater layer. If you want to get an idea of the overall developer workflow in OTA Connect, see the link:{devguide-docsroot}index.html[OTA Connect Developer Guide].

== License

This code is licensed under the link:COPYING.MIT[MIT license], a copy of which can be found in this repository. All code is copyright HERE Europe B.V., 2016-2020.

We require that contributors accept the terms of Linux Foundation's link:https://developercertificate.org/[Developer Certificate of Origin]. Please see the https://github.com/uptane/aktualizr/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md[contribution instructions of aktualizr] for more information.