urbaninformaticsandresiliencelab / gmaps_scraper

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Running this scraper will incur substantial costs due to changes in the Google Maps API pricing formulas made after this scraper was originally created.


gmaps-scraper is a suite of tools designed to facilitate the scraping and processing of place data using the Google Maps API.

Table of Contents

Code Overview

For scraping:

Additional libraries used by the scraper:

Utility scripts:



Code Overview

Scripts are documented internally and formatted in accordance with Google's Python styleguide <https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html>__. For more in-depth documentation, refer to the comments and docstrings located in each script.


The SubdivisionScraper's in scrapers.py scrape places from Google Maps by subdividing a chosen area into smaller areas and making a requests for places in that area, making further subdivisions if a certain threshold is met, by default the maximum number of results defined by the Google Places API Web Service documentation <https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search>__ with a little bit of head space (50 instead of 60, as of the time of writing this). Additionally, a bug was discovered where places_nearby searches over a large area with more than 60 results would return less than 60 results, so the threshold is automatically relaxed for the first few subdivisions in the hierarchy using the formula



More information about the scraping algorithm is documented in the scrape_subdivisions method of the SubdivisionScraper class. From the script:


This is the main function that manages the creation of subdivisions and invokes the scraper to scrape places from those subdivisions.

Subdivisions are congruent rectangular areas which are similar to the region defined in the function's arguments. All subdivisions have the same width and height and are arranged in a square grid.

For example, a 3x3 grid of subdivisions with min_lat = 0, min_long = 0, max_lat = 3, max_long = 3 would look like this:

  increasing latitude
  3 +---+---+---+
   | 7 | 8 | 9 |
  2 +---+---+---+
   | 4 | 5 | 6 |
  1 +---+---+---+
   | 1 | 2 | 3 |
  0 +---+---+---+
   0  1  2  3 > increasing longitude

Where the number inside each box corresponds to the order in which that cell is processed.

To calculate the scraping area, which is circular: We use the Pythagorean theorem to find the diameter of the smallest circle containing all points of the scraping area and divide that by 2 to get the radius. We get the average longitude and latitude to get the center.

The scraper function is called on each cell and each cell is further subdivided into another square grid of congruent cells if the threshold, as defined in the initialization, is met. To do this, the function recurses with the cell's region becoming the new grid's region.

Each cell is assigned a string detailing that cell's ancestry. For example, the bottom left subdivision of the top right subdivision of the root cell has the ID "root -> 9 -> 1".

Because each cell in the entire scraping tree is assigned a unique ID, we can later re-scrape cells that have been abandoned due to exceeding the maximum number of retries, as defined by the MAX_RETRIES constant, or cells that exhibit strange behaviour:


To re-scrape a subdivision, all arguments except subdivision_parent_id must be supplied.

The default behaviour is to stop scraping once the cell of interest has been re-scraped. If you instead want to continue on from that point with normal behaviour, pass resume = True.

scrapers.py provides the following classes:

The writing of scraped data is handled by gms_io.py which has the ability to deduplicate on the fly. More information can be found under the gms_io.py section.


geo.py is a small library providing primitive geometric functions that are used in scrapers.py Functions included:


gms_io.py handles the saving of scraped data to various file formats or databases and provides two families of classes: DuplicateChecker and Writer.

Duplicate checkers have two methods: check which checks to see if a place has already been saved, and flush which clears the list of seen places. These are used by Writer subclasses, which have a single dump method that takes an array of dictionaries as input and saves the given dictionaries to an output destination.

Duplicate checker classes provided:

Writer classes provided:


parse_tiger.py provides simple wrapper operations tailored for processing US Census TIGER shapefiles. Functions included:


staticmaps.py provides a Constructor class which is used to generate valid Google Static Maps API URLs. Class methods:



Before the introduction of the JSONWriter class and the DuplicateChecker subclasses, the output pickle files, which are appended to after every successful request, contained a massive amount of duplicates. The process_pickles.py script is responsible for automating the deduplication of these data. The script:

The script utilizes Python's multiprocessing library to make fuller use of system resources by doing multiple merges and compressions at the same time. The number of worker processes is defined by the THREADS constant, which is, by default, 3.



create_json_parallel_redis.py takes advantage of Redis' ability to serve as a very fast and light cache to speed up the merging and deduplication of a single scrape by starting multiple worker processes on different pickles of the same scrape, using Redis as shared dictionary of already-seen place IDs. For deduplication, scripts make use of Redis' Get <https://redis.io/commands/get> and Set <https://redis.io/commands/set> functions, which are both atomic and of O(1) complexity. As was the case in process_pickles.py, the number of worker processes is defined by the THREADS constant, which is, by default, 4.


scrape_tiger.sh is a script that is run once in the setup to scrape and process US Census TIGER data. The script downloads data, decompresses it, and organizes it according to the name of the state that each archive contains.


Before doing anything, you must first cd into this directory. Once that is done, run util/scrape-tiger.sh which will scrape the TIGER data, placing it into a directory named tiger-2016-src/:



It will then process this data, placing the organized data in a directory named tiger-2016/ At this point, tiger-2016-src/ can be removed if you wish.

The next step is to create a credentials.py if you do not already have one. To create a new one, run gmaps_scraper once; it should create a template for you:


python3 -m gmaps_scraper

Enter the appropriate keys and save the file.


As in the setup, you must cd into this directory before running any of the scripts.


To scrape a city, supply the necessary arguments to scrapers.py More information on what arguments to supply can be viewed by passing the help argument:


python3 -m gmaps_scraper --help

For example, to scrape Boston, Massachusetts using the PlacesNearbyScraper:


python3 -m gmaps_scraper --type places_nearby --city Boston --state Massachusetts


deprecated: Deduplication is now done on the fly.

As stated in the Code Overview section, there are two scripts that can merge and deduplicate the pickled scrape data, outputting JSON files. The simplest thing to do is to run the process_pickles.py script, which will automate all merging, deduplicating, and archiving:



For particularly large scrapes, such as those of New York City or Los Angeles, you may prefer to use create_json_parallel_redis.py To use this script, you must download and build Redis <https://redis.io/download>__ or install it using your distribution's package manager. After you have redis-server up and running, you can run the script, which will prompt you to choose a single scrape directory to work with:



After the script finishes, you may want to remove the dump.rdb file created in whatever directory you ran redis-server from. The database is cleared before each merge and deduplication, so there is no merit to keeping this file.

Using grep to Count Occurances of Patterns

A very fast and convenient way to count how many times a pattern appears, such as "atm" if you want to find the number of ATMs in a scrape or "place_id" if you want to find the number of unique places in a scrape, is to use GNU grep from the GNU coreutils. To quickly count the number of times something occurs, use the following syntax:


grep PATTERN FILE | wc -l

Where PATTERN is a regular expression that you want to find and FILE is the file to be searched. For example, to find the number of ATMs in Boston:


grep atm output/raw/2016-12-26_Boston_Massachusetts_places_nearby.json | wc -l

grep is particularly fast at searching plaintext files, such as the JSONs created by gmaps-scraper


$ file=output/raw/2016-12-27_New_York_New_York_places_nearby.json $ du $file 359M output/raw/2016-12-27_New_York_New_York_places_nearby.json $ time grep atm $file | wc -l 10082

real 0m5.934s user 0m0.415s sys 0m0.357s