urbste / OpenImuCameraCalibrator

Camera calibration tool
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
197 stars 43 forks source link

Breaking Changes

OpenICC: An Open IMU and Camera Calibrator

I developed this repository to experiment with the accurate calibration of action cameras (e.g. GoPro cameras) to use them for geometric vision tasks like Structure-from-Motion, Photogrammetry and SLAM. Modern action cameras are equipped with various sensors like IMUs (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer) and GPS. However the calibration data (e.g. camera projection and IMU to camera transformations) is not available.

This is where the OpenImuCameraCalibrator comes in. With this toolbox you can:


This section provides some results for my two GoPro cameras (6 and 9). You can use this to verify your own results or use them as initial values for your application. So far I have been setting them to FullHD with wide FoV and 30/60 fps. This is probably the most common setting that people use.

Camera Calibration

Dataset Camera Setting Camera model Intrinsics (f, cx, cy) Reproj error
1 GoPro 9 960x540 / 60fps / Wide Division Undistortion (437.13, 489.07, 270.87) Dist: -1.4386e-06 0.31
2 GoPro 9 960x540 / 60fps / Wide Extended Unified (437.97, 489.47, 272.02) Alpha: 0.5115 Beta: 1.062 0.209
3 GoPro 9 960x540 / 60fps / Wide Fisheye (435.45, 479.12, 274.46) d1:0.05 d2:0.07 d3:-0.11 d4:0.05 0.24
4 GoPro 6 960x540 / 60fps / Wide Division Undistortion (438.59, 480.80, 274.80) Dist: -1.47079-06 0.09
5 GoPro 6 960x540 / 60fps / Wide Double Sphere (342.43, 472.60, 273.88) XI: -0.215 Alpha 0.5129 0.16
6 GoPro 6 960x540 / 60fps / Wide Fisheye (439.13, 479.66, 273.19) d1: 0.046, d2: 0.064, d3:-0.10, d4: 0.052 0.17
7 GoPro 6 960x540 / 30fps / Wide Division Undistortion (436.06, 481.87, 272.58) dist: -1.468e-6 0.16

IMU to Camera Calibration

Dataset Time offset IMU to camera dt_r3 / dt_so3 T_camera_to_imu (qw,qx,qy,qz) (tx,ty,tz)_m RS Line delay init / calib Final mean reproj error
1 -0.0813s 0.128/0.056 (0.0048,-0.006,-0.7076,0.7065),(0.0069,-0.0217, 0.001) 30.895 / 31.62 0.84
2 -0.0813s 0.072/0.048 (0.005,-0.0068,-0.7083,0.7057),(0.0021, -0.018,-0.004) 30.895 / 36.56 0.82
3 -0.0815s 0.089/0.050 (0.0001,-0.0002,0.7100,-0.7040),(0.009,-0.0182,-0.001) 30.895 / 33.38 0.83
4 -0.0129s 0.15/0.062 (-0.005,0.003,-0.706,0.7080),(0.009, -0.019, 0.012) 30.895 / 29.58 0.79
5 -0.0127s 0.060/0.051 (0.0007,-0.007,0.705,-0.7085),(0.005,-0.017, 0.008) 30.895 / 26.03 0.59
6 -0.0127s 0.15/0.054 (0.006,-0.006,0.706,-0.7072),(0.007,-0.030, 0.010) 30.895 / 28.33 0.66
7 -0.0129s 0.056/0.035 (-0.002,-0.0026,0.7049,-0.7092),(0.0216,-0.0165, 0.0108) 61.79 / 61.76 0.9

Some SLAM Examples using ORB-SLAM3




ORB-SLAM3 fork

Installation instructions

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. and 22.04

  1. Clone and build OpenCV >= 4.5.0 with contrib modules. Latter are needed for Aruco marker detection. On Ubuntu 22.04 you can also just install it from apt:

    sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev libopencv-contrib-dev
  2. Install ceres 2.1

    git clone https://github.com/ceres-solver/ceres-solver
    git checkout 2.1.0
    mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    sudo make -j install
  3. Clone and build the TheiaSfM fork.

    git clone https://github.com/urbste/pyTheiaSfM
    cd pyTheiaSfM && git checkout 69c3d37 && mkdir -p build && cd build
    cmake .. && make -j
    sudo make install
  4. Build this project

    git clone https://github.com/urbste/OpenImuCameraCalibrator
    mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
    make -j
  5. Create a python >3.5 environment (or use your local python - not recommended)

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Build the docker container

docker build -t openicc .

Now you can mount the OpenICC folder to your docker container, as well as the folder that contains your calibration data (e.g. download GoPro9 dataset to /home/Downloads/GoPro9 )

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/home -v /home/Downloads/GoPro9:/dataset openicc

Finally you can run the calibration like this:

cd /home
python3 python/run_gopro_calibration.py --path_calib_dataset /dataset/dataset3/ --path_to_build ../OpenImuCameraCalibrator/build/applications/

Usage examples


This library would not have been possible without these great OpenSource projects:

IMU calibration:


Working on / ToDo / Contributions Welcome





If this tool helped you and you are using it in your work consider citing it as follows for now:

  author = {Steffen Urban},
  title = {OpenICC: An Open IMU and Camera Calibrator},
  howpublished = "\url{https://github.com/urbste/OpenImuCameraCalibrator}",