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No Catch, No Pay - thisbounty.com
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thisbounty.com No Catch, No Pay





Open market, level playing field, stick to the script


1. Track goals, like reduced costs. Money matters. Code and operations don't

All roads lead to finance. New clients attract finance. Taps on a keyboard tune them out.

2. Focus on core business

3. Build clear rules outside the tech

To hire a programmer

  1. Click on a Bounty. A Bounty is a proven software production method.
  2. Click on the New Button to create a Lead. A Lead is a work order.

To work

  1. Click on a Lead. A Lead Card bookmarks.
  2. Click on the Lead Card. A Lead Action occurs.
  3. A Lead Action opens an offsite platform like figma or github issues, in-app features like project storm, or launches a local IDE.

4. List everything not core business. At least you are aware

5. Fix bugs. Add features. Limit hot fixes

Better to start with a bug fix than an overarching vision which often meanders.

Start with existing platforms. Use their features, and more important community users. Likely you are not the first one who had the idea.

Start with your own community who have less stake in losses.

Think of replacing a packaged app, such as WhatsApp replacing the phone button and Instagram replacing the camera.

In mechanics, designs simplify by tightening bolts. Any stress less than within the bolts goes away. Use your own apps. Be the major stress of your own apps. Consume all the content. Then all other users have a ways to go before they catch up.

Augment and accent is easier than aggregate or disrupt.

6. Use IDEs and version control instead of inner platforms

Users are more resourceful than you think. Customers hire experts for a reason.

7. If simple features like sort do not work, remove the complex code, go back to the tutorial

If plans fail, get over it and move on.

8. Either don't do it, or do it full effort

Learn to say no.

Launch quick. Get to live customers fast even if it's just a newsletter signup.

9. Encourage others. Favor the launch, not who launches

Sometimes abandoning a known idea is the fastest way to see it built.

If it doesn't get built, there's a reason. Sometimes the world is not a nice place. Best not to provoke.

How does it make money

Be the best worker on a level playing field

No boss, no owner

How do I get paid

For big leads, open a joint checking account with clients at any online bank. Then open one of your own. Deposit payment to joint account, then transfer to your own account.

For small leads, start with a small budget. I can start work for free really sells.

For disagreements, chat with the community. Someone will help you. Everyone works together.

SOON: Automatic crypto payout on test pass/fail.


Lifebar: Environment changes bounty

Hit on "Haven't done it before"

Heals on closing leads

Grows by

At zero loose a life. Earn a life by "guessing the play", predicting what's wrong with risk management and incident response strategies. Great way to bait hunts by other bounties.

Loosing all lives, start over. Back to basics.

Moneybar: Bounty changes environment

Hit on bounty pay out

Heals on bounty funding

Grows with completed projects, customers and earnings, and wins against competing process systems

At zero, not funded.

User Level

Number of users of products created by this bounty. Users need to go somewhere.

Programmer Level

Number of programmers working on this bounty.

Closing Thoughts

Developer Hurt Log

Health earned during development. See issues for badges.

1.7 2.1 3.30 4.10

Coming Soon