urin / vscode-web-visual-editor

Edit HTML files visually.
MIT License
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[Question] Does this also supports HTML inside PHP? #6

Closed 0Chan-smc closed 1 month ago

0Chan-smc commented 1 month ago

When I installed this extension and I couldn't find the 'Visual Editor to the Side' button.

So I was wondering if this supports PHP file.

urin commented 1 month ago

This extension is specifically designed for editing HTML files saved locally, rather than handling the process of generating or creating HTML. Its purpose is to allow users to work with existing static HTML files directly.

However, if you're working within PHP files and including local HTML files, you may be able to leverage this extension to edit those included HTML files. Just note that it won’t support dynamic HTML generation from PHP itself, as it is intended solely for pre-existing HTML files.