urob / fvwm-tiling

Tiling functionality for the FVWM window manager
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fvwm tiling-window-manager


This configuration implements some basic tiling functions to fvwm. Otherwise the configuration is aimed at being simple and clean.

The setup allows to switch between tiling and classical floating mode on a per page basis. Additionally, when in tiling mode individual windows can be set to floating (either using keyboard shortcuts or configuring them to always be floating).

A short illustration of the main tiling functionality (and some more) can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdSgf-IykIo

Current Issues

The configuration of the menus is completely depreciated (I rarely use them) and probably of no use to anybody.

States used

State 0: Toggles EdgeScroll (true if EdgeThickness 0), only applies to FvwmButtons State 1: true if window is master State 2: true if window is floating State 3: toggles Title/!Title (true if !Title)

E.g., to configure mplayer to always be floating just add 'Style "MPlayer" State 2' to the configuration. (To set a window to be floating on the fly just use the keyboard shortcut, see below.) Otherwise the states are handled automatically in the background by the functions of this configuration.


The use of 'urxvt' is hardcoded as the default shell. Sorry! Either install or better change code (using a variable). Further the background console relies on 'screen'. Finally, 'stalonetray' is used as tray and 'dmenu_path' is used for the program launcher. Install or adjust. (A recompiled-version of dmenu to match the taskbar-size is included, you may have to compile yourself if running on another platform.)


By default I use a 2x2x1 desktop configuration. I.e., I have 2 desks a 2x1 pages. By default only the left page of desk 0 (the default desk) starts in tiling mode (can be toggled on the fly or changed permanently in the configuration).

There are a number of color themes to chose from in the theme folder, which can be easily switched in the configuration file.

The background console launches a screen session which reads the configuration file screenrc.bgc.

Almost all of the customization is done in the main configuration file. Just read through it. If you use vim, the folding should make it rather organized and easy to read.


Tiling-Related: Alt+Space: Switch current page between floating/tiling mode (can also be done using the indicator-button in the right upper corner of the button bar). Alt+Shift+Space: Switch current window between floating/tiling (only applies when in tiling mode) Ctrl+Alt+Enter: Make current window master Alt+L: Increase master area Alt+H: Decrease master area

Selecting windows: Alt+J: Select next window clockwise Alt+K: Select next window counterclockwise Alt+Ctrl+J: Move current window clockwise Alt+Ctrl+K: Move current window counterclockwise Alt+Tab: Cycle through complete window list (including minimized and windows on other pages)

Navigating workspaces: Alt-Right: Go to right page (alternative binding: Alt+]) Alt-Left: Go to left page (alternative binding: Alt+[) Alt-Ctrl-Right: Go to right page and take focused windows with you Alt-Ctrl-Left: Go to left page and take focused windows with you Alt-Down: Go to next (secondary) desk Alt-Up: Go to previous (primary) desk Alt-Escape: Go to last page

Window operations: Alt+M: Maximize window and set to floating Alt+T: Titlebar on/off Alt+S: Toggle Sticky Alt+X: Minimize (retrieve using the taskbar or Alt+Tab) Alt+Shift+C: Close (alternative shortcut Alt+F4) Alt+LeftClick: Move window and set to floating Alt+RightClick: Resize window and set to floating

Other: Alt+P: Execute command (launches dmenu) Alt+Grave: Toggle Background console Middle-Click root window/titlebar: Toggle Edgescrolling

Applications: Various, customize in the keybinding section of the configuration file