urol-e5 / timeseries

Data generated from e5 time series sampling in Moorea
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Timepoint 2,3 biomass (DW) values much higher than calculated in Timepoint 1, scripts are formatted differently - which version is correct? #14

Closed AHuffmyer closed 3 years ago

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

DW values in biomass.Rmd for Timepoint 2 are in the hundreds as compared to range of 0-10 mg/cm2 in Timepoint 1 scripts. Need to locate correct version of calculations and make uniform across all timepoints.

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

POR-365 is an outlier in this dataset. AFDW values for this colony = 56mg/cm2 as compared to observed range of all other samples 1-10 mg/cm2. Removed from analysis in biomass.Rmd script.

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

Timepoint 1 script was producing DW and AFDW values that were identical. Running the format of scripts from TP2,3,4 on TP 1 data produced DW values that matched the range of other timepoints. TP1 biomass script will be replaced with this corrected script that matches all other timepoints.