urol-e5 / timeseries

Data generated from e5 time series sampling in Moorea
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Grind turbinaria samples and prep for shipment to UCSB #32

Closed AHuffmyer closed 2 years ago

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

AH obtaining quote from UCSB for analysis of CHN in Turbinaria samples. Will need to grind and prep Turbinaria for shipment to UCSB - samples in Putnam Lab.

dconetta commented 3 years ago

By when and did we decide on a final count?

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

Waiting on a quote back before we decide on sample size/timeline - will keep you posted!

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

We are now going to send samples to University of Georgia Center for Applied Isotope Studies. The cost per sample is $13.50 as compared to $28 at UCSB. We are going to move forward with n=10 per site per timepoint (1g of dried sample in tube, keep leftover sample in case we need to reanalyze or send more material). We now need to decide on a timeline to send these samples and schedule time for grinding, allocating samples to tubes, and preparing for shipment.

AHuffmyer commented 3 years ago

Here are the specifics for this analysis: https://cais.uga.edu/service/c-n-s-elemental-analysis/.

hputnam commented 2 years ago

@dconetta and @daniellembecker finished this and submitted to UGA macroalgal.samples.reference.submission.csv SalesOrd_SIS220009_from_Stable_Isotope_Ecology_Laboratory_12692.pdf