urol-e5 / timeseries

Data generated from e5 time series sampling in Moorea
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Getting errors in PI curve scripts - need to qc and run all pi scripts for all timepoints #42

Closed AHuffmyer closed 2 years ago

AHuffmyer commented 2 years ago

It looks like we are having issues with the time formatting. The time needs to be in hms format which is then converted to numeric in the script. It currently looks like it is generated as characters.

AHuffmyer commented 2 years ago

How do we convert time formats within the map() function?

AHuffmyer commented 2 years ago

Fixed! We were having problems with the time formatting and artifact lines in the data files. Corrected errors with adding col_types = cols(.default = "d", Time = "t") to the read_csv() function and making sure run metadata files were in 24h time format.